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‘Biohacker’ Gary Brecka Unveils the Ultimate Biostack for a Successful Morning Routine

Radha Iyer

‘Biohacker’ Gary Brecka Unveils the Ultimate Biostack for a Successful Morning Routine

Morning routines often play a significant role in determining the mood and energy lasting throughout the day. Starting the day with a fresh and healthy mind can help them go a long way throughout the day. That’s why biologist Gary Brecka revealed what he felt was the best ‘Biostack’ to start the day with.

Ideal Biostacks and Biohacks set individuals into a routine that helps them make the most out of their mornings. Brecka listed seven steps to follow in the morning that would help boost productivity.

  • Hydration
  • Light exposure
  • Mindfulness
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Cold Exposure
  • Gratitude


Due to bodies being extremely dehydrated throughout the night and in the morning, Gary Brecka recommended drinking 8-10 ounces of water upon waking up. This step helped combat the dehydration and kept the body cool and refreshed immediately. One could also add a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon to the water for added benefits.

Light exposure

Just like neuroscientist, Dr. Andrew Huberman has reiterated time and again, exposure to the morning sunlight is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health. Just 10-15 minutes of sunshine could help regulate cortisol levels and set the circadian rhythm straight. This practice is not affected by cloudy or overcast days since the light waves and ideal color contrast in the environment would still help immensely.


Practices like meditation and various breathing exercises could work towards grounding and focus. Brecka practices his breath work while getting his daily dose of sun exposure by inhaling and exhaling deeply through the mouth. One can also practice mindfulness by setting down the intentions for the day, visualizing goals, and mentally preparing for challenges.


Just like regular sunlight exposure, active movement upon waking up is crucial to having an energetic start to the day. Any form of exercise should be sufficient to start the day on a dynamic note. Gary Brecka recommends yoga or brisk walks for about 20-30 minutes before breakfast to gain effective results.

“Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain. It releases endorphins and helps you feel more awake and alert.”


Starting the day with a hearty breakfast helps replenish the lost nutrients during the night and gives enough energy to sustain through the morning. A high protein and high fiber breakfast can keep one satiated and energetic enough to last throughout the day.

Cold Exposure

Cold water therapy is the infamous practice that gained the status of being an addiction for Brecka. Dipping into a tub of ice-cold water in the morning is a part of his Ultimate Human Protocol, and offers several recovery-based benefits. Cold exposure also stimulates the nervous system and helps regulate blood circulation to some extent, from what Brecka has observed.


Lastly, to start the day on a positive note, Brecka encouraged everyone to practice gratitude and appreciation. Maintaining a journal, saying affirmations, and encouraging the flow of positive thoughts can help kick-start the day more smoothly.

Concluding notes from Gary Brecka

Morning routines could vary depending on one’s situation, location, and overall environment, leading to some modifications. But Brecka believed that following his stack could help provide an easier and more productive start to the day. Small, simple, yet effective steps were the key to bringing about bigger and more significant changes in one’s life.

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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