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Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia Once Unveiled the Best Exercises to Keep Mortality at Bay

Radha Iyer

Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia Once Unveiled the Best Exercises to Keep Mortality at Bay

With the advent of several lifestyle changes in the past few decades, it’s not surprising that one would be curious about the average human’s lifespan. Longevity is one of the key subjects that both Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia have addressed in various forums. They once got along to talk about certain parameters surrounding the same.

Health risks have always served as a factor to determine the mortality of an individual, albeit in a conditional manner. Dr. Attia proposed to set that aside and treat one’s VO2 max as the ideal variable to determine the longevity of an individual.

VO2 max determines the intake and usage of the amount of oxygen by the body for several functions. Higher levels of it translate to better body performance and, therefore, better life quality. So, how does one bring their VO2 max levels up?

Right off the bat, Dr. Attia chose to focus on exercise over nutrition, claiming that one couldn’t critique and compare various diets and other subjects if one couldn’t get through certain physical parameters. Ranging from anywhere between being able to rep a specific weight to testing one’s mobility, the possibilities for improving one’s VO2 max are endless.

“I just can’t get enough of the machinating and arguing about this supplement versus that supplement. And I feel like you shouldn’t be having those arguments until you have your exercise house in order…”

The first few metrics that he was quick to establish were the ability to dead hang for at least a minute and wall sit for at least two. This led to Dr. Huberman teasing the idea of calling this phenomenon “Attia’s Rule”, where one must refrain from talking about supplementary subjects till they successfully complete the given physical processes.

“There are really good VO2 max estimators online, and you can plug in your activity de jure, so be it a bike, run, or rowing machine, and it can give you a sense of that.”

Apart from this, Dr. Attia also mentioned replacing wall sits with 90° air squats for two minutes and farmer carries as a third option to boost one’s VO2 max. Apart from this, the duo once also provided solutions to improve heart issues and the chances of an attack.

Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia Reveal the Best Technique to Avoid Heart Problems

Cardiovascular issues are not foreign in the current age full of stress and strain, apart from various environmental and personal contributors. Dr. Huberman and Dr. Attia once talked about the indicators of cardiac disease and how one could combat them.

Severe issues like heart attack often arrive unnoticed, and their only presentation, as Dr. Attia recalled, was death. But the simplest way to prevent it is to keep a check on one’s ApoB levels, maintain a healthy weight, eat nutritious food, and get sufficient sleep.

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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