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Peanuts, Crackerjacks, Sushi, Crab & Ice Cream, A Wide Range of MLB Ballpark Food

Elliott Price

Ballpark Food, Fancy, Tasty and Ready For Opening Day

There was a time when no matter which big league ballpark you walked into, you were most likely greeted by pretty much the same grub. Burgers, dogs, fries, pizza slices and soft drinks.

These days, you never know what you might find, As opening day looms, parks all over are getting ready for a brand new season and there’s some fancy new items for your tastebuds. Of course you can still get a dog or twelve.

This season’s baseball chefs have a lot to live up to. The baseball world got their dream match up with the LA/NYC world series between the Yankees and Dodgers. The Dodgers left the season with this winner that will be tough to beat:

Best Of The Best

The Folks at can direct you to the very best of all the ballpark offerings. From Royals Blue Velvet Whoopie Pies to the Pirates Polish Cannonballs. But I have to ask, do crab legs and ice cream really mix? For $93.97 they better!

You’re Not Full Yet?

I like my ice cream without crab legs thank you. Let’s face it, there’s probably a good chance that your White Sox are taking it on the chin again. What to do to bring your fans back when you have the worst team in baseball?

So you go for a walk to forget about the latest travesty on the field and pass this lovely item. Nah, you don’t pass this item:

There’s a good chance if you go to a ballgame, you’re going to find something you never thought you’d see in a ballpark. The times they really are a changing. Of course nobody could blame you if you just want a good old fashioned burger:

They don’t make em like thy used to. Play Ball! And let’s eat. And eat some more.

About the author

Elliott Price

Elliott Price


Elliott spent more than 40 years in sports broadcasting. He hosted sports morning shows in both Montreal and Toronto. Elliott handled play by play duties in a multitude of sports. Most notably as the voice of the Montreal Expos. Also CFL football, NHL hockey, OHL and QMJHL junior hockey, boxing, soccer, swimming and more. He currently is senior baseball writer for 'The Sports Rush'

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