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NASCAR Preview: Kyle Busch Anticipates NASCAR’s Next Gen Car’s Short Track Woes to Resurface at Iowa

Nilavro Ghosh

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Ever since the Next-Gen car came into the NASCAR Cup Series fray, there have been positives and negatives. One of the biggest complaints drivers and fans have had with it is how it has affected the quality of short-track racing. It has been hard to pass cars on such tracks and Iowa is not too dissimilar. As far as Kyle Busch is concerned, those issues might rear their heads again on Sunday.

The Next-Gen is quite aero-sensitive. So if you’re caught in dirty air, the chances are you’re going to be stuck for a long time. Plus the new partial repave will make for a much narrower racing groove as drivers would not be willing to race on the old asphalt and lose speed. That’s going to narrow the track, making passing even more difficult than it already is on short tracks.

“I feel like the biggest challenges at Iowa with the Next Gen Cup car will be the aero deficiencies in traffic and how wide the new asphalt is that allows for you to work your way outside of the wake of the other cars in front of you,” Rowdy said as per Speedway Media.


Kyle Busch recalls past experiences at Iowa Speedway

It has been a season to forget for Kyle Busch who is on his longest winless streak but Iowa gives him a unique opportunity. It might be the Cup Series’ first time racing at the track but Rowdy has done it more than once in the past.

The two-time champion raced a couple of races at the venue in 2009 and 2010, finishing P2 and P1 respectively. However, with the fresh asphalt in certain parts, it is not going to be the same track that he remembers.

“I have enjoyed my past races that I’ve run at Iowa. Running there in the Xfinity Series and a Pro Series East race there years ago was pretty fun. I think the track is going to be vastly different than I remember it with the old asphalt. The new asphalt in the various parts of the racetrack will make it way different,” he said.

If things go well, Rowdy might be able to finally break his winless streak. But all of that depends on how the racing action turns out to be this Sunday.

Post Edited By:Srijan Mandal

About the author

Nilavro Ghosh

Nilavro Ghosh


Nilavro is a NASCAR journalist at The SportsRush. His love for motorsports began at a young age with F1 and spread out to other forms of racing like NASCAR and Moto GP. After earning his post-graduate degree from the Asian College of Journalism in 2020, he has mostly worked as a motorsports journalist. Apart from covering racing, his passion lies in making music primarily as a bass player.

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