Kyle Busch’s outspoken personality and aggressive driving style have earned him a reputation as an antagonist among some racing enthusiasts. However, a core group of loyal fans has steadfastly supported him through thick and thin. But it’s not one-sided. Busch shares the same sentiment towards his die-hards, as per his 2013 interview with Jeff Gluck.
During the 12 Questions Series, Gluck posed an intriguing question about fans who try to make a lasting impression by reminding drivers of past encounters. He inquired what Busch’s fans might need to do to be memorable. Busch responded, “I remember most all of my devoted fans, the ones who have been fans for a long time.”
He went on to share specific examples, showing the special relationships he maintains with his most ardent supporters, saying, “There are girls that bring cookies to the race team in Vegas, there’s this guy in Concord (N.C.) who always has photos of me — big 24″-by-36″ photos of me that I sign with a paint pen for him — and a lot of others I recognize and know.”
He also recounted the story of a longtime supporter from Las Vegas, who knew Busch during his formative years and continues to visit M&M’s World annually to get a wristband signed by him. Busch fondly recalled several young fans, particularly noting one who makes it a point to attend autograph sessions every year, bringing along a hat that he has signed on five occasions.
Busch even shared that he knows some of his fans on a first-name basis, often exchanging greetings when they meet. He spoke of a family with a little girl named Lexie; while he couldn’t recall their hometown, he noted they consistently attend races in the Midwest — Michigan, Chicago, Indy, and similar venues. “They’re really nice and they always come and say hi,” Busch remarked. “They’re always wearing Kyle stuff.”
When Busch delineated boundaries for fan interactions during personal time
While Busch is known for graciously engaging with his fans and signing autographs, he has set clear boundaries regarding when it’s appropriate for fans to approach him, especially during private moments.
In a 2017 interview with Jeff Gluck, when asked about being approached while dining in a restaurant, he elucidated, “There’s a right way, a tactful way in approaching somebody that’s out to dinner — especially with their wife or their family.”
Busch suggested that fans should ideally catch him before or after his meal rather than during, humorously noting that it’s not ideal while he has “hamburger and stuffing his face full of grease.” He went on to share that interruptions during meals with his family have been a common grievance.
Busch further emphasized the importance of respecting personal space and timing, pointing out that requests should be made at a convenient time for the person being approached, not based on the requester’s preference. “The biggest thing that’s disappointing is people want to be on their time,” he remarked.
He advised that fans should patiently wait and only approach once he has finished his meal and is leaving the restaurant, thus ensuring respect for his and his family’s personal space.