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Bronny Reaching His Father LeBron James’ Potential Doesn’t Seem Likely In Jeff Teague’s Eyes

Trikansh Kher

Bronny Reaching His Father LeBron James' Potential Doesn't Seem Likely In Jeff Teague's Eyes

Bronny James once again made headlines after footage of James practicing in the Lakers facility recently surfaced. Many fans and analysts alike are calling Bronny a nepo baby, but LeBron’s old rival, Jeff Teague, recently gave James Jr. the nod. The former Hawks star believes that Bronny will not only get drafted but also play decent minutes in the league.

Making an appearance on ‘The Captain Jack Podcast’, Jeff Teague recently spilled the beans on all things basketball and the NBA. While talking about guard play, Bronny James’s name came up, leading to Teague’s hosts asking him if James would be picked up in the incumbent draft. Confirming James’s selection, Teague even drew comparisons between the former USC guard and Davion Mitchell. Talking about it, Teague said,

“He going to get drafted but he going to be like a good glue guy. Like he going to play defense, he going to hit corner three’s, make some good passes, he going be like Davion Mitchell.”

Another draft comparison that came up for James was Avery Bradley, because of the duo’s similarity in size and playstyle. But when Teague was asked if Bronny can reach his father’s level, Teague completely shut down the question, saying,

“Naah, I don’t see that…Avery Bradley..that’s the kind of career I think Bronny going to have.”

While the entire world discusses Bronny James and his potential signing to the Lakers, the former Trojans guard has tried to separate himself from the rumor, claiming that playing alongside LeBron isn’t something that he is actively chasing.

Bronny James clears the air about nepotism and wanting to play alongside his father

LeBron James, the King of basketball, has on multiple occasions talked about his dream of one day playing alongside Bronny in the NBA. Now, almost two decades since his first child’s birth, LeBron is getting to witness Bronny go through the draft process, as the 19-year-old is just a selection away from playing alongside the Lakers star.

But in a surprising turn of events, Bronny, who has been shielded from the media his entire life, recently came out and talked to the media after his draft combine. Bronny talked heavily about being his own man and how he isn’t thinking of playing alongside James just yet. Bronny mentioned that suiting up alongside LeBron wasn’t the priority right now, instead choosing to focus on whichever team drafts him. Talking about it further, James said,

“No, never. My dream has always just been to put my name out, make a name for myself, and get to the NBA, which is everyone’s end goal that’s here. I never thought about just playing with my dad, but of course, he’s brought it up a couple of times. But yeah, I don’t think about it much.”

While Bronny might brag about being his own man, the reality of the matter is that most mock drafts have James going 55th overall to the Los Angeles Lakers, unless someone steals James before that.

Post Edited By:Sameen Nawathe

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Trikansh Kher

Trikansh Kher

Trikansh Kher is a writer at The Sports Rush. A lawyer by education, Trikansh has always been around sports. As a young track athlete Trikansh was introduced to basketball through 'street ball' mixtapes. He was hooked and it has been 'ball is life' ever since. Trikansh is a designer by profession, but couldn't keep away from basketball. A regular on the blacktop, his love for the game goes further than just hooping. If Trikansh isn't going through box scores for last night's game, you can find him in his studio working on his designs or playing squash at the local club.

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