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“It’d be considered child abuse today”: Michael Jordan’s Mother Deloris Jordan had a Stern Way of Disciplining Him

Nithin Joseph

“It’d be considered child abuse today”: Michael Jordan’s Mother Deloris Jordan had a Stern Way of Disciplining Him

Michael Jordan is one of the greatest players in NBA history. The man has achieved all the sport of basketball has to offer. And he had an ironclad will that helped him achieve that.

Six NBA Championships, six Finals MVPs, five regular season MVPs, a DPOY, and an Olympic Gold Medal make for a heck of a resume. But, he could not have achieved all this without great dedication and discipline.

Discipline was administered to him at a young age by his mother Deloris. After all, MJ wasn’t exactly the picture of obedience growing up.

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Deloris Jordan used to discipline Michael Jordan by locking him in the car and making him read

Back when he was a child, Michael Jordan didn’t exactly look or act like the future GOAT of the NBA and the larger basketball world. Instead, he was more prone to picking fights than anything else.

One time, Jordan got suspended from school for getting into a fight. As a result, his mother, Deloris Jordan, a strict disciplinarian needed to teach her son a lesson. So, she locked him in her car and made him read.

“He tells me it would be considered child abuse today. But it was a tough age and I knew I had to set the precedent. I took him to work and made him stay in the car all day and read, and could see him from the bank window. I wanted him to know I was always watching him. We went to lunch, and then after dinner, I knew a lady at the library, so he stayed there and read some more. We didn’t have any more trouble from him after that.”

Deloris truly is a huge influence on His Airness and has played a huge role in making him the man he is today. She even helped him secure one of the biggest deals of his life.

Deloris Jordan forced MJ to get on a plane for a meeting with Nike

In 1984, Michael Jordan was all but ready to start his rookie season with the Chicago Bulls. But before that, he needed to sign off on a shoe deal. At the time, Jordan had an offer from Nike but wasn’t really interested.

To the point, where he showed no intention of going to a meeting to hear their final offer. That was until his mother forced him to get on the plane.

Safe to say that Deloris Jordan is one heck of a woman. After all, she raised the greatest basketball player of all time.

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About the author

Nithin Joseph

Nithin Joseph


Nithin is a content writer at The SportsRush. Like his favorite athlete Kobe Bryant, the company has helped Nithin elevate his writing skills to a whole new level, especially as an NBA content writer. With over 1500 articles to his name, Nithin's love for the sport knows no bounds. And, as he continues to watch the sport on a daily basis, he hopes his fascination with the NBA, especially the Miami Heat will inspire more and more readers to give the sport a chance. Perhaps, one day making basketball in India as big as it is in the United States.

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