Charles Barkley once said that his three favorite point guards of all time were John Stockton, Gary Payton, and Jason Kidd.
Charles Barkley is an NBA legend who just wasn’t surrounded with the right kind of talent at the right time. Sure, he had guys like Dan Majerle and Kevin Johnson during his NBA Finals runs with the Phoenix Suns and his MVP season, but it was quite unfortunate that he teamed up with Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler when all three of them were removed from their prime.
The Rockets with Charles Barkley made it as far as the Western Conference Finals but simply could not get past goliaths like the Utah Jazz or the David Robinson-Tim Duncan San Antonio Spurs. One of the major contributors to Chuck’s lack of postseason success was the absence of a championship caliber point guard on his teams.
So, after missing out on playing with a potential generational point guard, it seems as though Chuck has a fairly good idea on who he would’ve loved to play with.
Charles Barkley lists out his 3 favorite point guards of all time.
During an edition of ‘Open Court’, Charles Barkley candidly listed out his three favorite point guards of all time. It’s safe to say that Kevin Johnson was not a part of this short list of Chuck’s.
“These are my three favorite point guards of all time: John Stockton, Gary Payton, and Jason Kidd. I would’ve loved to play with a supreme point guard like that,” said Barkley. When asked about Kevin Johnson, he said:
“He was a supreme point guard in terms of scoring. But I’m talking about- Karl Malone was a great player. He probably got 20,000 points just from passes from John Stockton. I never played with a guy who was looking for me.”
Charles Barkley was a world class talent and it was telling from his MVP to his countless All-NBA and All-Star nods. It’s a shame that Michael Jordan prevented a plethora of NBA legends from conquering the promiseland.