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Kyrie Irving’s Attempts to Make Peace with Boston Won’t Be Successful, Says Paul Pierce

Prateek Singh

Kyrie Irving's Attempts to Make Peace With Boston Won't Be Successful Says Paul Pierce

Kyrie Irving has found a new home in Dallas. Teaming up with Luka Doncic to form the most impactful offensive duo in the league, he has had a brilliant season with the Mavericks. However, he has also had his fair share of struggles before his stint in Dallas, especially when he was in Boston for two years. Amid all the animosity that has transpired between him and the fanbase in Boston this Finals series, Kyrie recently tried to make peace with the Celtics fans.

However, Paul Pierce believes that a truce is not an option anymore. The Truth recently declared that Irving burned that bridge a long time ago with his actions on and off the court.

On Sunday, Kyrie opened up about his struggles in Boston. He said that he didn’t want to be traded to the Celtics in the first place and when it happened, he didn’t take it the right way.

“I think that’s what I struggled with initially, was figuring out how I’m going to be a great player here while winning championships and also leading a team and selflessly joining the Celtics’ organization or the cult that they have here,” Kyrie said.

If you want to make peace with a fanbase as dedicated as the Celtics, calling them a cult isn’t the way to do it.

Now, Pierce took up this topic on the recent episode of UNDISPUTED only to tell Kyrie that it isn’t going to work out for him. He said, “It looks like Kyrie’s trying to make peace with Boston which is never going to happen.”

He [Kyrie] doesn’t want them yelling his name, he doesn’t want them to say, ‘Kyrie Sucks!’…If you’re gonna go all in with it, go all in…but don’t come back kinda apologetic.”

Pierce suggested that instead of trying to apologize to the fans, Kyrie should focus on embracing the fact that he will always be a villain in Boston.

In fairness, the Celtics fans have good reason to look at Kyrie like a villain. The 32-year-old had infamously stepped on the Celtics logo during the 2021 playoffs and even in his ‘truce’ attempt, he called the Boston fanbase a cult. So Pierce is pretty much on point when he says that it’s pointless trying to backtrack now.

Skip Bayless’ message to Kyrie Irving

Bayless said that he can see through the trick that Kyrie is trying to pull over the Celtics fans. He said, “I’d say to Kyrie, enough of this introspection, this public soul searching. I’ve heard enough. Because you’re trying to talk your way out of it in front of the media and in front of the world.”

Bayless added that the boos from the Celtics fans have gotten the best of him and now he is trying to undo everything wrong.

According to the FS1 host, players get boo-ed everywhere. All Kyrie needs to do is play despite the boos. A player of his caliber should, ideally, have no problem with it.

Post Edited By:Satagni Sikder

About the author

Prateek Singh

Prateek Singh


Prateek is a Senior NBA Writer for The SportsRush. He has over 900 published articles under his name. Prateek merged his passion for writing and his love for the sport of basketball to make a career out of it. Other than basketball, he is also an ardent follower of the UFC and soccer. Apart from the world of sports, he has followed hip-hop religiously and often writes about the origins, evolution, and the biggest stars of the music genre.

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