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LeBron James China silence: Lakers star slammed for silence on NBA China academies abusing athletes

Gautham Balaji

LeBron James China

News that NBA-affiliated Chinese coaches are physically abusing their participants has sent shock waves across the NBA. LeBron’s silence on this issue has caused his critics to react rather sharply. 

An ESPN investigative report revealed that few American coaches have expressed concerns over their Chinese counterparts physically abusing several players in multiple NBA-affiliated youth basketball camps. Many speculate that due to the nature of the financial success of the deal, the NBA has been willing to turn a blind eye towards the unusual methods in China.

LeBron James’ China Silence

Social issues is something LeBron is very outspoken about. He helped form ‘More Than a Vote’ in response to the horrific murder of George Floyd on May 25. The organisation is dedicated to mobilizing African American voters and fighting voter suppression across the country.

So, him not speaking out about this has resulted in him being on the wrong end of harsh criticism.

LeBron James was earlier too been called out by Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong for keeping mum on the Hong Kong issue. It has been signalled by a lot of people that LeBron only talks about social issues that affect him.

The Lakers star is now again being subjected to a lot of criticism for not speaking out on how upcoming athletes in China are being subjected to some really heinous coaching methods.

Fans demand answers and are making their wrath felt on social media, specifically calling out LeBron to address the issue, just like he does when anything bad happens in the US.

Not just James

It is not just LeBron who is facing the heat on social media. Other prominent members of the NBA community have also been tagged by multiple critics on Twitter. Some of the names include Commissioner of the NBA, Adam Silver, who has worked tirelessly to ensure that the NBA restart in Orlando runs smoothly.

Steve Kerr, coach of the Warriors, is another commonly mentioned name in those tweets. The Golden State Warriors are one of the more popular teams in China. Perhaps this is why critics are expecting him to make a comment.

Why is LeBron James silent on the China issue?

Both on the field and off the field, LeBron is the poster boy for the NBA. However, his silence on this deeply disturbing issue is causing many critics to doubt the intention behind the silence. Many of the harsher critics argue that LeBron is not only protecting the NBA from criticism but also ensuring the safety of this personal relationship with the one-billion-dollar market China is.

Or perhaps, he is more focused on the upcoming NBA restart against their local rivals the LA Clippers. Many predict that this is a preview to the Western Conference Finals.

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