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LeBron James issues passive-aggressive apology for his deleted tweet about the officer who shot Ma’Khia Bryant: “My anger is for what happened to that girl”

Tonoy Sengupta

LeBron James issues passive-aggressive apology for his deleted tweet about the officer who shot Ma'Khia Bryant: "My anger is for what happened to that girl"

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James responds to the backlash received due to his now-deleted Ma’Khia Bryant tweet. 

As many know, LeBron James is the best player in the NBA right now, and arguably the greatest of all time. The now 36-year-old has been a big deal since he was in high school. And that has only grown alongside his NBA career.

With the player performing at a high level on such a massive stage, it’s obvious the King has a massive platform. And there have been several occasions where James has used it to calmly but sternly address social issues.

However, it seems even LeBron James can slip up sometimes. The player posted a very controversial tweet after the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. And the star only recently responded to the backlash he received for posting the now-deleted tweet

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LeBron James responds to criticism on his tweet about Ma’Khia Bryant

Ma’Khia Bryant was a 16-year-old African-American girl, who was shot down and killed. What makes this news even more disgusting is the fact that it happened less than an hour before the verdict on Derek Chauvin.

There is anger within the good people of the United States, color or no. And that fact may never apply to anybody more than LeBron James.

After the court found Derek Chauvin guilty of murder, LeBron James tweeted a picture of the officer that shot Bryant. Along with the picture, the tweet contained the caption, “YOU’RE NEXT”.

At the time, the aggressive tweet was not appreciated at all by those who saw it. And after making the choice to delete that tweet, James posted this in response to the backlash he received.

As more time has passed though, the number of people that sympathize with LeBron on the situation have increased, and justifiably so. This is hardly a situation any human being can completely keep their calm about.

However, as a leader of the people, James has a responsibility to be levelheaded. And it is encouraging to see the player accept his mistake, but also double down on his message in a calmer way. Only the future will tell how this situation progresses.

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About the author

Tonoy Sengupta

Tonoy Sengupta


Tonoy Sengupta is a Senior Editor at The SportsRush. Coming from an athletically inclined family, he has been surrounded by sports ever since he was 4 years old. But, while initially pouring all his time into Football (soccer), at 14, Tonoy discovered basketball through the countless highlights of Stephen Curry humiliating players from Curry Land. And just like that, a fiery passion for the game was ignited within Tonoy. And soon after, he decided to become a student of journalism, graduating in 2022, and choosing sports as his area of interest. Today, you can find him spending 99% of his time browsing through every type of content on every team in the NBA, before uncorking everything he has found to the world. In the 1% he isn't doing this, you can find him playing Basketball, Football, Volleyball, or practically any other sport he has had the opportunity to learn.

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