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Michael Jordan ‘took it personal’ against little kids, denying them sneakers worth 1000s of dollars

Raahib Singh

Michael Jordan 'took it personal' against little kids, denying them sneakers worth 1000s of dollars

Bulls legend Michael Jordan once attended Chris Paul’s summer camp and sent all the kids home disappointed 

When one thinks of the greatest to ever play basketball, there are only two or three names that are commonly debated. One of them is LeBron James, and the heavily favored candidate is Michael Jordan. MJ was drafted in 1984 and established himself as one of the game’s greatest within a very short span.

Watching Michael Jordan and hearing about it from his teammates and opponents, we’ve heard tons of tales of how competitive he gets. This competitive spirit helped MJ get to the top of the league. He used the thought of being #2 as fuel and worked hard to stay at the top of the hill.

However, with a strong drive, it sometimes becomes difficult to turn off the competitiveness. His own children talked about how MJ used to bully them during games and recalled tales of their childhood.

Also Read: Multi-Billionaire Michael Jordan used to make 13 year old son cry and call his mom while playing one-on-one

Michael Jordan played like it was Game 7 to deny kids free sneakers

In 2016, MJ hosted his annual Flight School basketball camp. Chris Paul would usually show up and assist the campers, and this year was no different. However, this time, to make things interesting, CP3 challenged MJ in front of the campers.

Jordan had to make 4 or more out of 6 shots. If he missed 3 shots, he would buy every kid in the camp a new pair of Jordans.

MJ took this challenge personally, and turned on his competitive side.

After making five shots easily, CP3 tried to make it hard for the Bulls legend. He tried blocking Jordan’s view by putting a hand in front of his eyes. Mike still swished the free throw.

Also Read: 220 lbs Michael Jordan tackled son Jeffrey Jordan, sending him to the ER to get 30 stitches

Michael Jordan was 53 at the time this happened, and for him to still show up and knock down each of the shots, with 1000s of dollars on the line, just shows how great the Black Jesus truly is.

About the author

Raahib Singh

Raahib Singh


Raahib Singh is an NBA Journalist and Content Strategist at The SportsRush. A Computer Science Engineer by qualification, Raahib's passion for sports drew him towards TSR. He started playing basketball at 14 and has been following the NBA since 2013. His entry into the basketball world perfectly coincided with Stephen Curry putting the league on notice. Having followed the league for a long time, he decided to use his knowledge to become a sportswriter with The SportsRush in 2020. Raahib loves to put up some shots in his spare time, watch Cricket, Formula 1, and/or read a nice thriller.

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