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Michael Jordan’s Favorite Dunk Was the One Over his Best Friend!

Jeet Pukhrambam

Michael Jordan's Favorite Dunk Was the One Over his Best Friend!

Michael Jordan is the man with the highest vertical in NBA history. With countless dunks to his name, which one was his favorite? 

Michael Jordan was not just famed for his jump shot. He was also an incredible athlete whose prowess in the paint turned him into a high-flying dunk machine.

He was so good at dunking that he won the slam dunk competition, something his only challenger, LeBron James has never won. A shooting guard dunking during the 80s and 90s was a sight to behold. MJ was a breath of fresh air and Nike capitalized on it. So much so that his logo is of him dunking, the iconic “Jumpman” dunk.

Naturally, he has thousands of iconic dunks to his name. And it is a tough ask to pick a favorite one. For fans, it will be one of his more memorable dunks.

But for Michael Jordan, the favorite is one he made over his best friend!

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Michael Jordan’s dunk over Patrick Ewing was his favorite!

There is a certain feeling you get when you one up your friend in a competitive spirit. In this case, when you one up your best friend in an NBA game!

Michael Jordan did exactly that when he dunked all over Patrick Ewing, his close friend, perhaps his best friend. It is not often that you get to go up against your friend and get to beat him, trounce him, in fact.

MJ’s dunk was iconic, to say the least. And according to Hir Airness himself, that dunk is his most memorable one.

He says “My most memorable dunk, that I think about very, very often, is the Patrick Ewing dunk.” Knowing MJ he probably rubs it into Patrick’s face every time they meet.

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The relationship between Jordan and Ewing

MJ and Ewing go way back and they were already friends before they entered the NBA. Their matchups were among the most exciting in the league and fans waited with bated breath. Each time they faced each other they would put on a show.

The whole, Knicks and Bulls rivalry was ignited by these two. Among the most dominant players during their era, their friendship would be the perfect underscore.

Throughout the course of their career, the two played against each other a whopping 43 times. No surprises as to who holds the lead in the head-to-head. MJ leads by 30-13.

Their averages against each other also show the kinda ferocity they bring to the game. After all, there is more than just bragging rights involved.

    About the author

    Jeet Pukhrambam

    Jeet Pukhrambam


    Jeet Pukhrambam is The SportsRush's Lead Editor for Basketball. After freelancing for five years as an independent writer, Jeet created thousands of blog posts and articles. He now covers intriguing news reports and throwback stories on all things NBA. His interest in NBA started with the ascendancy of Giannis Antetokounmpo in the 2016-17 season. Since then, Jeet has managed to coalesce his knowledge of the game and his writing to create pieces that are reflective of the current state of the league. Now, he ensures that The SportsRush produces the highest quality of writing. In his free time, he enjoys playing football, cooking, traveling, and dancing to techno. Jeet takes pride in his critical thinking, music playlists, and his love for spaghetti.

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