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NBA Polling Places : NBA to turn arenas into voting centers among other social justice plans

Amulya Shekhar

NBA Polling Places : NBA to turn arenas into voting centers among other social justice plans

NBA Polling Places : In a joint statement released by the NBA and the NBPA, the NBA revealed that they are going to implement a new social justice plan.

Following the Milwaukee Bucks’ decision to boycott their first round game against the Orlando Magic, the rest of the NBA teams in the bubble followed suit. The NBA has decided that the season will be resumed Saturday the 29th August, after meetings between players and league officials confirmed that the players will play this season out.

NBA and NBPA announce 3-point plan to promote social justice and equality

The NBA has worked on multiple proposals to ensure that social injustice is curbed and players can make a difference.

With today’s revelation bringing forth the fact that only 20% of NBA players are registered as voters, ‘voting’ is seen as a very serious affair.

By voting, players can enforce actual change, as they will then be able to inspire other African-American people to step out of their homes and vote for who should govern them in the years to come.

Less voter turnout from the Black community, due to a lack of awareness about voting procedures has always meant that they do not get an equal say in the democratic election of the President.

Thus, the NBA will work tirelessly to educate people about ‘voting essentials’ and making team arenas as voting booths for people during the November elections.

The 3 major proposals that the NBA and NBPA will work on are as follows:

  1. The NBA and its players have agreed to immediately establish a social justice coalition, with representatives from players, coaches and governors, that will be focused on a broad range of issues, including increasing access to voting, promoting civic engagement, and advocating for meaningful police and criminal justice reform.

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  1. In every city where the league franchise owns and controls the arena property, team governors will continue to work with local election officials to convert the facility into a voting location for the 2020 general election to allow for a safe in-person voting option for communities vulnerable to COVID.

If a deadline has passed, team governors will work with local elections officials to find another election-related use for the facility, including but not limited to voter registration and ballot receiving boards.

  1. The league will work with the players and our network partners to create and include advertising spots in each NBA playoff game dedicated to promoting greater civic engagement in national and local elections and raising awareness around voter access and opportunity.

About the author

Amulya Shekhar

Amulya Shekhar


Amulya Shekhar is a sports junkie who thrives on the thrills and frills of live sports action across basketball, football (the American variant works too), parkour, adventure sports. He believes sports connect us to our best selves, and he hopes to help people experience sports more holistically.

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