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Refuting Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce Claims Michael Jordan and Victor Wembanyama More ‘Gifted’ Than Kyrie Irving

Shubham Singh

Refuting Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce Claims Michael Jordan and Victor Wembanyama More Skilled Than Kyrie Irving

Is Kyrie Irving the most gifted player in NBA history? His former teammate LeBron James was out of words when discussing the offensive arsenal of the 2016 champion and termed him the most gifted athlete he has ever seen. For a change, Skip Bayless also agreed with the King on this. He confessed that Irving might be the most skilled player of his size. However, his UNDISPUTED co-host, Paul Pierce, couldn’t disagree more.

Pierce stated that there is an argument about Kai being the most skilled but when he hears the word gifted, Michael Jordan immediately comes into his mind.

The Truth argued that the most gifted players are the ones with extraordinary physical specifications as well. Combining their skill level with their never-seen-before body types, they can earn the tag of the most gifted,

“When I think about gifted, the first player that comes to mind is Michael Jordan. You talk about the physical attributes to go along with the skill.. The height, the speed, the arms, you know all those physical attributes play a part in gifted.”

The 2008 champion pointed out that Irving has a short stature and no particular physical advantage that stands out. Following this line of reasoning, Pierce concluded that 2024 ROTY, Victor Wembanyama, is the most gifted player in the current NBA,

Kyrie is a shorter player, with a good handle and of course, we know about the skill, so I’d say skilled. But if we really wanna know who is the most gifted player, who is the most gifted today, it is Victor Wembanyama because we have never seen anything like that.”

Wemby does have an unparalleled skill set as a 7’3” Center. Since the Spurs Center can operate in a guard-like, wing-like, and big-like manner with that size, there is no other comparison in NBA history.

Pierce’s notion of a gifted player revolves around someone who defies the norms through their physical composition and skill level at their size. As for LBJ, the game style needs to do all the talking.

For LeBron James, Kyrie Irving is a master of all trades

On his Mind the Game pod, the All-time leading scorer couldn’t help but gush over his former championship teammate’s offensive abilities. He confessed that he had never seen anyone like Irving in his whole career.

He lamented that Kai isn’t a part of his quest anymore and recalled calling him “the wizard” when they were teammates.  LBJ termed the Mavs guard a wild card in UNO because you never know what skills he will unleash during a particular moment.

Agreeing with his statement, Bayless also argued that pound-for-pound, Irving is the most gifted player he has ever seen. Making a bold claim, he added that even Allen Iverson’s ball-handling skills are dwarfed by Kai’s superior dribbling repertoire.

At any rate, this conversation about the “most gifted” athlete in NBA history is in murky waters because of the subjectivity involved in defining the term. At the same time, Pierce may have hit the nail on the head when coupling the physical aspects with the skilled ones. 

Post Edited By:Hitesh Nigam

About the author

Shubham Singh

Shubham Singh


Shubham Singh is an NBA Journalist at SportsRush. He found his passion in Writing when he couldn't fulfil his dream of playing professional basketball. Shubham is obsessed with box scores and also loves to keep track of advanced stats and is, particularly, fond of writing CoreSport analytical pieces. In the league, his all time favorites were 80s Bad Boys, Pistons, while Dennis Rodman and his enthralling rebounding made him love the game more. It also made him realize that the game is much more than fancy scoring and playmaking. Shubham is also a huge fan of cricket and loves to watch all forms of women sports.

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