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“We will only take the vaccine if LeBron James or Michael Jordan do”: US citizens want ‘GOATs’ to take COVID-19 vaccine first

Samir Mehdi

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A majority of US citizens want to see LeBron James or Michael Jordan take the COVID-19 vaccine first, before taking it themselves.

The COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic has most certainly been the defining factor of 2020, shaping every the way every person in the world lived this year.

The league had to roll out an ‘NBA Bubble’ after suspending the league in mid-March. Though the Bubble was an immense success, it cannot be replicated 2 seasons in a row.

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It has been more than a year since the virus first appeared in the US. Fast-forward to today, the US is beginning to roll out their first batch of COVID-19 vaccines. However, United States citizens are quite skeptical about this; unless they see two familiar names attached to the vaccine trial.

LeBron James and Michael Jordan will help citizens take the vaccine?

LeBron James and Michael Jordan are arguably 2 of the most influential athletes in the world, as of today. Every single move the two ‘GOATs’ take, is done with meticulous calculations.

In a survey taken done by Harris Poll, over 2000 people were asked whether they would be convinced to take the Covid-19 vaccine if a celebrity took it.

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The results speak for themselves as 25% of people in the random sample said they would consider taking the vaccine if they saw Michael Jordan do it. 39% of African American people said it was likelier that they would take the vaccine if ‘the King’, LeBron James took it.

Other athletes who were popular in this poll were NFL great Tom Brady, tennis legend Serena Williams, and Steph Curry.

About the author

Samir Mehdi

Samir Mehdi


Samir Mehdi is a senior strategist for the NBA division at The Sportsrush. Ever since he was 13 years old, he’s been obsessed with the game of basketball. From watching Kobe Bryant’s highlights on YouTube to now, analyzing and breaking down every single game on League Pass, Samir’s passion for the game is unwavering. He's a complete basketball junkie who not only breaks down current games but also keenly watches ones from the 60s’ and 70s’ while also reading comprehensive books on the history of the league. Samir’s life revolves around basketball and he hopes that shows in his work. Aside from work, he loves to spend time in the gym and with his friends at social gatherings.

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