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Maxx Crosby Saying He Won’t Go Down the LeBron Path Divides NFL World

Ayush Juneja

Maxx Crosby Saying He Won’t Go Down the LeBron Path Divides NFL World

LeBron James has positioned himself as one of the most decorated basketball players, with some even calling him the GOAT over Michael Jordan. However, critics often label him a glory chaser, arguing that his success came from frequently changing teams. Raiders DE Maxx Crosby seems to share a similar sentiment.

Appearing on The Jim Rome Show, Crosby asserted that leaving the Raiders was never a consideration for him. He looks up to players like Jordan and Kobe, who stuck with a franchise despite earlier struggles and found success along the way, rather than hopping clubs to get their hands on silverware.

Taking an indirect shot at LeBron, Crosby then mentioned that players like him took the easiest path available — which simply isn’t his style. He wants to be part of a team and is ready to face failures and adversities because he believes success will be earned and much sweeter that way.

“You know, for me, the guys who inspire me are Kobe and Jordan, the guys that stayed at the same place and wanted to stay at the same place. No offense to guys like LeBron and those dudes. I won’t give them some heat, but they took the easiest road traveled, and that’s not really the way I look at it,” Crosby said. “I feel like for me going through the ups and downs and hardships, it’s going to make it that much sweeter when I do win the Super Bowl.”

However, fans had mixed reactions to Crosby’s statements. Some argued that, unlike Crosby, LeBron is a difference maker, while others pointed out that Kobe wanted the Lakers to trade him multiple times. Moreover, a few critics went so far as to predict that Crosby would end up ringless.

On the other hand, a few fans were impressed by Crosby’s loyalty. They believe he is destined for the Hall of Fame, regardless of whether he wins a Super Bowl. They appreciated his commitment to staying with the team through thick and thin, noting that it’s hard not to love a player with such dedication. Take a look:

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Notably, Jordan spent the majority of his career with the Chicago Bulls, playing 13 seasons across two spells and winning 6 NBA Championships. Kobe, on the other hand, spent all 20 seasons of his career with the Lakers, winning five championships.

Both were the face of their franchises, unlike LeBron, who, after failing to leave a mark with the Cavaliers, jumped ship and joined the Heats. He then came back to Cleveland before joining the Lakers in 2018.

Nevertheless, if Maxx Crosby stays with the Raiders throughout his career and achieves success, he could join a great list of players who have stayed with one team throughout their entire careers.

Players Who Spent Their Entire Career With One Team

There are a great number of players across sports who spent their stints with just one franchise, whether they enjoyed success or not. For instance, Bruce Matthews spent 19 seasons with the Oilers/Titans without winning a Super Bowl. Moreover, Ben Roethlisberger took the Steelers to three Super Bowls, winning two, and spent his entire career with them, spending 18 seasons with them.

A recent notable example is Jason Kelce, the former Eagles center, who enjoyed a storied 13-year tenure in Philadelphia. He secured the club’s sole Super Bowl victory in 2018 and retired after accumulating six First-Team All-Pro nods and seven Pro Bowl selections.

Moreover, one of the greatest pocket passers and QBs of all time, Dan Marino, played in the Super Bowl just once. Despite that, he spent his entire career with the Dolphins. Last, but not least, Ray Lewis bowed out of the NFL with two Lombardy trophies and achieved everything with the Ravens.

In the NBA, Dirk Nowitzki, Larry Bird, Kobe, Tim Duncan, Jerry West, and a few others spent their entire career with one franchise.

Trophies are part and parcel of the sport. However, it is usually the love for the team and camaraderie among teammates that motivates a player to stick with one city throughout their entire career.

For those guys, it is the pursuit of their dream to play professionally that matters most. Other things are secondary to it. Maxx Crosby might not win a Super Bowl with the Raiders, but he will always be cherished and loved by the fans if he keeps his word.

Post Edited By:Samnur Reza

About the author

Ayush Juneja

Ayush Juneja


Ayush Juneja is an NFL Journalist at the SportsRush. New to Gridiron, he has been following the sport for past 9 months and has authored over 400 articles so far. As a sports enthusiast and a true adrenaline junkie, he finds the physical side of sports to be more thrilling and engaging. A big fan of Liverpool F.C., he now roots for another red team in San Francisco 49ers and would love to see a match at Levi's Stadium and Michigan Stadium. American culture and politics fascinates him and would love to experience it first hand.

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