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“What in God’s Name Is Mel Kiper Talking About?”: Will Compton Slams Veteran Analyst’s Take on 2 High Safeties Ruining NFL

Sneha Singh

What in God’s Name Is Mel Kiper Talking About?”: Will Compton Slams Veteran Analyst’s Take on 2 High Safeties Ruining NFL

This season is turning out to be unique, but not in the way one would expect. With defenses dominating this year, teams have averaged just 21.4 points in the first two weeks, the lowest figure since 2006. And it turns out, ESPN analyst Mel Kiper isn’t too pleased with this outcome.

This year’s low-scoring average is due in part to the formidable two-high safety defense technique, which allows teams to prevent even the league’s best quarterbacks from making big passing plays.

This strategy didn’t seem to be Kiper’s favorite during his appearance on Get Up. The veteran analyst feels so strongly against it that he asserted that NFL defense should be ‘outlawed’ from playing it.

“Well, I grew up with the best of the National Football League, 60’s, 70’s, into the 80’s. You’re talking about deep shots. The go route, the nine route, the post,” Kiper said.

He further added:

“I was at games where I’m thinking, ‘Hey, two-high? They’re out in outer space.’ I couldn’t even find them. They’re playing with nine guys. Where are the other two? They’re playing so far back they’re out of the damn play. I’m telling you, we’ve got to change this thing… The NFL is being ruined by these two-high safeties.”

While Kiper was rooted in nostalgia, former NFL linebacker Will Compton wasn’t at all pleased with the analyst’s views. By re-posting a clip of Kiper’s rant on X, the former Washington star expressed his thoughts saying, “What in gods name is Mel Kiper talking about??? 2-high safeties is ruining the NFL?! Take a hike.”

It’s not just Compton who disagreed with Kiper’s call for a more offense-centric approach; fans also chimed in. A few netizens remarked that defenses are already curtailed by new rules every year, emphasizing that it’s up to the quarterbacks to overcome the two-safety strategy.

One football fan pointed out how the offensive coordinators and quarterbacks should adapt to the upcoming defensive strategies, just like the teams had to adjust to Patrick Mahomes‘ ferocious play.

Another user joked how people agreeing with Kiper would be against “helmets and pads” too, all to make the game more exciting.

As the NFL world buzzes with excitement and confusion over the two-high safety play, it will be interesting to see which team can find a workaround better than the others. However, given that each play seems to be leaning more toward rushing rather than passing, it’s not necessarily a critical adjustment.

Post Edited By:Samnur Reza

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Sneha Singh

Sneha Singh


Sneha is an NFL enthusiast with an avid interest in the game as well as behind-the-scenes business ongoings. Her favourite team is Miami Dolphins ever since the Cheetah joined the crew! When she's not writing or watching the game, Sneha also likes to indulge in music and fiction.

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