In an unexpected fusion of Olympic glory and anime fandom, Noah Lyles found himself at the center of attention for his blazing speed and unabashed love of Yu-Gi-Oh! His passion for the card caught the eye of hotel staff at the Olympic Trials, leading to a surprising room upgrade and a viral moment that celebrated the intersection of athletic prowess and geeky pursuits.
During the US Olympic Trials, Lyles was spotted carrying a silver briefcase he had used throughout the outdoor racing season.
The contents of this mysterious case?
His Adidas tracksuit and a collection of rare Yu-Gi-Oh cards, including the coveted Exodia The Forbidden One and the entire Exodia set. In a surprising twist, Lyles even pulled a Blue Eyes White Dragon card during the race.
This revelation of Lyles’ anime interest attracted many otakus to the event, and the sprinter’s openness about his hobby paid off unexpectedly when he visited the St. Regis hotel. As Lyles shared on his X account:
“I just got an upgraded room at the St. Regis because the woman saw me pull out a Yu-Gi-Oh card at the Olympic trials. Never stop being a nerd!”
Lyles has always emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself. His decision to showcase his otaku side on a global stage not only endeared him to fans but also resulted in this unique hotel perk.
Lyles later shared the story behind bringing these rare cards to such a crucial event on the “Everybody Wants To Be Us” podcast, adding another layer to this intriguing blend of sports and pop culture.
The reason Lyles brought ‘Exodia The Forbidden One’
During an episode of Chase Ealey’s podcast, Lyles and the two-time shot put world champion bonded over their love of anime. Ealey playfully dared Lyles to bring Exodia to the US Olympic Trials.
Surprised by the challenge, the 27-year-old sprinter countered with his own dare. He proposed that if he brought Exodia, Ealey would have to perform a “Rock Lee Weight Drop” from the anime Naruto.
— Noah Lyles, OLY (@LylesNoah) August 22, 2024
Ealey followed through on her part of the dare, which led the 100-meter Olympic champion to bring Exodia The Forbidden One, to the US Olympic Trials.
He also mentioned bringing a duel disk, a Yu-Gi-Oh anime accessory worn on the arm to hold cards. Lyles noted that his unique outfit, featuring the duel disk, garnered significant media attention.