A Valorant Agent tier list is always a good reference to follow for both new and old players who want to make the most of their gameplay.
Riot Games does an excellent job to keep reshuffling meta so that none of the Valorant Agents lose relevance in any Episode or Act. As for players, they always need to keep an eye out for the strongest Agents in the current patch.
Currently, Valorant is in its Episode 6 Act III phase (6.08 patch). And a lot has changed since the first time this FPS title was released. While a lot of Agents remained the same, some got significant buffs or nerfs according to the ever-shifting meta. Here is a detailed guide on which Valorant Agent remains most relevant in patch 6.08.
- Valorant Agent tier list
- S-tier Agents
- A-tier Agents
- B-tier Agents
- C-tier Agents
- D-tier Agents
Valorant Agent tier list
After the release of Valorant patch update 6.08, a massive overhaul; happened when it comes to the meta. With many previous Agents leaving the S-tier, some of the A-tier, even B-tier Agents joined the superior ranks. Let us see which agents fall into which category.
- S-Tier: Fade, Gekko, Viper
- A-Tier: Omen, Brimstone, Yoru, Sova, Skye, Cypher, Reyna, Harbor
- B-Tier: Breach, Killjoy, Jett, Chamber, Sage
- C-Tier: KAY/O, Raze, Astra, Neon
- D-Tier: Phoenix
S-tier Valorant Agent list

Fade has been one of the best Initiators in Valorant since its release. Her kit comprises all sorts of utilities, including initiation, blinding, and lockdown. This easily puts her at the top of the S-tier list.
Since release, she has been the embodiment of fear, both metaphorically and literally. You cannot but be fearful when there is a Fade in the opponent team. From the get-go, she replaced Sova as the best initiator and might end up retaining the spot until a worthy Agent rises.

The latest addition to the Valorant Agent roster, Gekko comes with a lot of new ideas. This Agent redefined the boundaries of an Initiator in the game. Despite not being a duelist, you can easily play at a fast rate with this Agent.
Gekko’s kit allows you to play safe all while supporting your team from a distance. From area denial, to blinding, and even assisting with planting or defusing the Spike, Gekko can do everything. And that lands Gekko on the S-tier list.

While there are many Agents in Valorant who can smoke off entry or exit points, nobody matches the caliber of Viper. While she can only smoke one spot, her kit allows you to block off a huge portion of the map. And that acts as the biggest area denial.
Apart from that, you can play post-plant very well as there are many prevailing line-ups for her molly that can deny the opponents from defusing the Spike. Her capabilities as a Sentinel easily allow her to reign at the top of the Valorant Agent tier list in patch 6.08.
A-tier Valorant Agent list

Despite never reaching the S-tier, Omen has been one of the most consistent Agents in Valorant. Irrespective of patches, Omen remained a top Agent in the game, always making sure to secure the A-tier spot.
With the quick repositioning abilities combined with a long-lasting blind and multiple smokes in his tool kit, Omen is almost a must-pick in every single match of Valorant. As a matter of fact, Omenc can be so good that in high-rank lobbies, he is picked despite having another smoke in the team for his retake abilities.

When all fails, there always remains Brimstone. Brimstone has been the go-to smoker for all tiers of rank in Valorant. His easy-to-use abilities allow even lower-ranked players to utilize his smokes very comfortably.
And keeping that aside, he has one of the longest-lasting molly in the game allowing players to execute a perfect post-plant if executed properly. Even his ultimate, Orbital Strike allows you to gain massive control over areas by denying space for opponents. Ever since the buffs in Episode 4 Act I, with cheaper molly, longer lasting smokes, Brimstone has become a very good pick in Valorant.

Yoru has been one of the most struggling Agents in the game. Not because he had a very poor tool kit, but because it was underwhelming when compared to any other Duelist at that time. So, Riot had to completely rework the Agent changing several abilities.
After the rework, Yoru serves the intended purpose very well. Despite being a Duelist, Yoru doesn’t fit into the norms of one. He was always intended to be played as a lurker in matches. And after current buffs, he has become one of the best picks in Valorant if played properly.

Sova once was a must-pick in every match as one of the most aggressive Initiators. Be it attack or defense, you could always rely on this Agent. However, since the release of Fade, the glory days of Sova have dulled of late.
Despite not being the first choice, Sova can still be extremely good. With a long-range scouting ability combined with shock arrows allowing you to both clear out angles or play post-plant, Sova still remains one of the go-to choices for players.
Recently, after Cipher nerfs, Sova remains the only best choice for intel-gathering during a match. This alone marks him as an A-tier Agent in the tier list.

Skye is one of the Agents in Valorant that has a very harsh learning curve compared to others. Her abilities can be very punishing for teammates in the wrong hands. Despite that, Skye is one explosive Agent when it comes to entering a site.
Bombarding a site with her flashes, clearing corners as well as concussing the enemy, Skye alone can help clear one site on her own. After Episode 3, she did suffer a small nerf that decreased the number of flashes she had by one. But now, the number regenerates. So that allows you to purchase one less flash while receiving one for free during a round.
This marks her as an A-tier Valorant Agent.

Once dubbed the king of intel, Cypher has never been the same since his nerf in Valorant patch update 1.11. The update saw Cypher losing his tripwires upon death. Which rendered him useless in a round should he die.
However, if played properly, Cypher still retains his legacy by locking down several parts of a map using his cage, tripwires, and camera. And after the buffs received in patch 5.10, Cypher can easily be marked as an A-tier Agent.

Once an S-tier Valorant Agent, Reyna’s effectiveness has lessened as of late. While she possesses all the necessary tools to be the best Duelist in the game, in the current meta Initiators are preferred more.
She has the ability to blind, kill, and immediately disjoint from the fight. This allows her to easily explode into gunfights making her a complete Duelist. However, since her nerfs in recent patches, she possesses fewer numbers of Devour or Dismiss. This allows past aggressive players to measure the depth of diving they used to do.
While Reyna can still be played effectively, her ability to take on the whole opposition on her own has diminished by miles.

The Indian agent exploded into the scene having many exciting abilities. The fact that you can deny parts of a map with curvature you can control, makes Harbor one of the most maneuverable Agents in the game.
However good those abilities can be, he still remains an A-tier Agent due to the fact that his abilities last for a short time. And his ultimate only allows a very small part of the map which if you hit your teammates, will affect them as well.
B-tier Valorant Agent list

Breach is a very well-rounded Agent designed with the sole purpose of site entry. With his flashes, Signature skill, Fault Line, and Ultimate, Rolling Thunder, Breach can easily disrupt enemies defending one particular site.
However well his abilities are, he lacks the raw firepower making him a good support Agent. But without proper gunfighting prowess and intel gathering in the team, Breach can end up becoming one of the most useless Agents in Valorant.

One of the most stable Agents, Killjoy takes pride in locking down one site all by herself. However, in recent patches, a huge number of nerfs hit the Agent hard. That ended up hurting the Killjoy mains as she can no longer be utilized as effectively as she used to be on release.
With her gadget range being lessened, you can no longer roam around the map of free will. On top of that, when you really need to rotate, upon pickup, her gadgets go into a 20 seconds cooldown, severely hurting your retake potential.
Despite such issues, she can still be a very good Agent in entry denial as well as post-plant situations. And not to mention her Lockdown Ultimate still remains unrivaled when it comes to massive area denial.

Once an indispensable Duelist in Valorant, Jett has fallen from its grace. Like any other overly used Agent, Jett also received heavy downgrading in recent patches. From patch update 1.09, Riot slowly and gradually started nerfing the Agent.
And since then, Jett saw nerfs to her Ultimate, Blade Storm, Cloudburst, and many more. Upon release, when having her Ultimate, players could easily take out opponents even in eco rounds charging into their faces using her alternate attack of Blade Storm. However, now you no longer gain charges from using the alternate attack.
While she still remains one of the best, these countless changes have dropped her down to the B-tier and it might take some time and heavy buffs to get her back up to the top.

On release, Chamber used to always be picked during a match. There was always a Chamber in each and every game. Be it a casual, ranked ladder game or even esports. There was even a time when during esports tournaments, Chamber had a 100% pick rate.
Seeing how much Chamber is being used and how overpowered he was, Riot chose to bring down the nerf hammer on him. And it was mighty. From being the strongest Sentinel, Chamber became obsolete. Lessening his teleport range, decreasing the number of traps he has, and lowering their vision range to nerfing his Ultimate ability, Chamber saw it all.
While Chamber can still anchor one site in a map, there are certainly better options to pick during a match of Valorant.

When Valorant was released, Sage was a must-pick in every game. However, like most of the old Agents, she received a number of nerfs over time. That kicked her down from higher tiers. However, despite such nerfs, her abilities remain unique.
Her Slow Orb can still halt enemy pushes, and her Barrier Orb can hand you many advantages inc certain positions. be it peeking at enemies with a height advantage, blocking off enemy vision during your team’s site entry or simply blocking off enemies from entering your site, Barrier Orb is extremely useful.
And her Ultimate, Resurrection remains one of the best abilities in the game that can turn around a losing round at a moment’s notice. Despite her shortcomings lately, these useful points keep her from dropping down to the slumps of the Valorant Agent tier list.
C-tier Valorant Agent list

When KAY/O was released back in Episode 3 Act I, its usefulness haw it rise up to the S-tier without delay. Every other match required one KAY/O in the team. However, soon enough better agents were released that could do their job better than KAY/O.
Even though KAY/O’s kit is fairly useful, pulling them off properly can be a hassle. And after recent nerfs to the kit, KAY/O is no longer a viable option in Valorant as there are far superior Agents with better utilities.

Raze was once the go-to Duelist for players who liked charging into sites without delay. Her Satchels allowed her to freely move into sites without any issue if used properly.
But, over time, a lot of nerfs hit her. Nerfs coming to her Boom Bot, Satchel, and even her Ultimate ability, Showstopper rendered her useless in the one thing she was good at, taking out targets up front in battles. While she still is a good Duelist Agent, her days are now numbered and require massive buffs to regain her lost position.

Once considered the best smoker in Valorant, Astra lost her spot fairly quickly. Even though she still remains one of the only complete Sentinels in the game, she still remains one for the pros.
Her kit comprises stuns, smokes, and crowd-control. However, for a regular player, using those effectively is a tall task. And not to mention, her Ultimate ability is very hard to use. And all of her abilities require you to become extremely vulnerable.
Over time everyone learned to play around with those issues. However, recent nerfs to her smoke numbers and total star counts left her in the slumps with no getting back up.

Neon, the speed merchant of Valorant has been an average addition to the roster since its release. The Filipino Agent failed to make an impact on the players due to her lackluster tool kit.
While she can clear corners, and make pathways for entry as a Duelist, her abilities take a lot of time to activate. Moreover, when running towards the enemy, if you spot one, it takes a lot of time to disengage from the ability and take out your weapon. Which leaves you at the mercy of your enemies.
However, using her pace and explosiveness properly can still help you win matches. And just like Yoru, all she needs is a proper amount of buffs to make her viable once again.
D-tier Valorant Agent list

Ever since the release of the game, Phoenix has been dubbed one of the worst Agents in the game. Not because his kit is bad. But his kit comprises a lot of short-term utilities that have a very short area of effects. Not to mention, his Ultimate can easily be countered by simply leaving his path or backstabbing at the right time.
Ever since the rework and buffs of Yoru, Phoenix has become the worst Duelist among all the others in Valorant. It would take quite a few changes to see Phoenix rise through the Valorant Agent tier list anytime soon.