The duelists in Valorant so far are the most underpowered agents if we look at them as a whole. Riot needs to fix some duelist Agents in Valorant while the others need a complete overhaul like Reyna. Let us look at the tier list to find out which ones do.
Valorant in its earlier patches put a heavy emphasis on duelists and it was difficult to win a gunfight against them. However, due to recent patches and overhauls, the duelists have rarely stolen the spotlight away from Agents like Chamber, Gekko, Fade, Brimstone, and Sova.
This tier list will gauge which Duelist agent is still viable to play in the game. We will rank them in four categories; S, A, B, and C. Without further ado, let us get into it.
- Valorant Duelist Agents Tier List: Who is the BEST Duelist in Valorant?
- S Tier Agents
- A Tier Agents
- B Tier Agents
- C Tier Agents
Valorant Duelist Agents Tier List: Who is the BEST Duelist in Valorant?
Duelists have a simple purpose in the game. They have to take space, create opportunities to trade for their tame, and get kills whenever they can. Some duelists are better at this than others even considering individual player skill.
These tier lists help in distinguishing the good from the best and help us in prioritizing which duelists to pick based on their individual abilities and how well they contribute to their job of creating space. Let us take a look at the tier list.
- S-Tier: Jett
- A-Tier: Yoru, Neon
- B-Tier: Raze, Reyna
- C-Tier: Phoenix
(Note: This list solely reflects the views of the writer and is not the final list)
S Tier Agents

Jett is the only S Tier Agent on this list due to her extraordinary Tailwind ability. It can be used in multiple ways. Players can use it to get away after peeking an angle, as a distraction combined with the Updraft, to enter onto site combined with the Cloudburst, and more.
The reason why Jett is at the top of this list is because of how well her utilities combine with each other. There are a myriad of combinations you can use with this agent to create space, take enemies by surprise, and get away from enemies without being killed which you cannot do with other duelists.
To learn her well, you can watch many professional player VODS to gain mastery of the agent. The most notable Jett players are Erick “aspas” Santos and Nikita “Derke” Sirmitev.
A Tier Agents

Yoru is one of the most used agents in the professional Valorant now. We have seen teams like NAVI, EG, and Paper Rex utilize him in matches due to his ability to pull rotations and cause paranoia in the minds of the enemy. However, the best part about Yoru is that he can be the solo lurker on the opposite end of the map, get a kill and get out without being traded.
His abilities are great at creating space, causing distractions, and confusing enemies, everything you would want in a duelist. That is why, he is on the A tier due to his reworked abilities that can easily confuse enemies and cause mistakes in the enemy team.
You can use this guide to learn as much as you can about the Agent in the game. It has tips and tricks you can utilize to better your Yoru gameplay.

Neon is the newest duelist in Valorant and has caused quite the name for herself due to her lightning-fast playstyle. Her abilities are designed to stop enemies in their tracks and cause confusion. Until they find out where you are coming from, you will be sliding into their faces and shooting them.
Her stuns combined with the Fastlane and High Gear allow you to quickly take sites and take out enemies on them. From there you can establish dominance until the round ends. Her stuns are also great at delaying retakes and pushes. You can also be aggressive with them and even find lineups that catch multiple angles.
There are multiple things you can do with this agent if you have the confidence and practice with her. Just look at any VODs by popular Neon players such as Victor “Victor” Wong or Jason “f0rsakeN” Susantoo.
B Tier Agents

Raze is used in professional play a lot due to her abilities and how they combine well with other Agents’ abilities. A Breach Stun into a Raze Nade or a Fade Tether into a Raze Nade is just a few examples of Raze’s combination of utility with other agents.
The only reason why Raze is on B Tier is because she requires a high level of mastery to play the right way. Double satcheling, using the Grenade in the right spots to cut off enemies from the site and adept communication with your Initiators is required to utilize her the best.
That is why, she is the most viable in professional play because they can play her well due to their practiced communication and team compositions. Otherwise, if you are playing solo, you have to rely on her abilities and your gun skill alone to succeed.

Reyna is self-sufficient as a duelist and rewards the players who can aim well. Although that is the thing that is holding her back. Valorant is a team game and Reyna’s utilities are self-sufficient. Therefore, she is utilized less in pro play. Only a few teams have played her in Tier 1 Valorant; notably Team Liquid and Paper Rex.
Her kit requires a rework and her abilities need a change. Although if they do it will mess up Reyna’s character as a whole. That is why this Agent is in B Tier because Riot is stuck in a rock and a hard place with her. Although if one were playing alone and needed a strong character that requires no communication, then Reyna is the way to go.
She can also be great if you are trying to rank up.
C Tier Agents

There is only one agent left to cover on this list and he is in the last spot. Phoenix has not made a comeback in the meta since Valorant’s early days. Even though he received a rework he has been picked less every step of the way since there are better options.
In professional play, he is almost seen as a “troll pick,” which is why, his character needs a rework. His abilities are good but they can easily be countered, especially the ultimate because it leaves him vulnerable to flanks.
His abilities are great on certain maps like Pearl but do not shine on other maps. You can always go with a better duelist which puts him at the last spot on this list.
There you have it folks! The Tier List for all the Duelists in Valorant for the most recent patch. We will update this list when a new Duelist releases or a rework happens. For more Valorant Content, click here.