Sentinels are the lifeblood of the game. They are essential in watching flanks, securing sites, and protecting their teammates. This Sentinel Tier list will show you which ones are the best to use in Valorant.
Being a Sentinel in Valorant is all about patience and sticking with the team. The Sentinel category has the fewest agents. The game has only four Sentinels because we are currently on the cusp of the triple Initiator meta.
That said, it does not mean the game does not need Sentinels or is unusable. They can be instrumental in maps with closed-knit lanes and enclosed spaces. However, too often in today’s meta, we see the Sentinels take a backseat to Duelists and Initiators. This tier list will decide the ones you should prioritize in the game.
- Valorant Sentinel Tier List: Who is the Best Sentinel in the Game?
- A Tier Agents
- B Tier Agents
- C Tier Agents
Valorant Sentinel Tier List: Who is the Best Sentinel in The Game?
There are four Sentinels in the game. Sage, Chamber, Killjoy, and Cypher are the only ones holding flanks in the game. In comparison, there are six Duelists, six Initiators, and five Controllers. The Sentinel agents are not only underpowered, but they have easy counters as well. That is why only two out of four Agents are primarily used in the meta.
That being said, every Sentinel in Valorant serves their own purpose. Cypher is good at holding an individual site, while you can be aggressive with Chamber and play for picks. There is synergy with every Sentinel. However, there are some Sentinels which complement the role better. They are also better at holding some sites than others.
Let us take a look at the Tier list for all the Sentinels in the game.
- A Tier: Cypher, Killjoy
- B Tier: Sage
- C Tier: Chamber
(Note: This list solely reflects the views of the writer and is not the final list)
A Tier Agents

Cypher is our best Sentinel agent right now, next to Killjoy. However, we put Cypher before Killjoy because his utility combines well with the team. Sure, Killjoy’s Alarm bot combined with the Nanoswarm grenades can net you kills once in a while, but the trips are helpful for everyone on the team.
When someone bypasses the trip, it informs everyone on the team with an audio cue and an onscreen ping of the enemy caught in the tripwire. In addition, the Cypher Cages are an excellent cover to get onto the site, while teammates can use the Camera to swing according to the location of the enemies.
On defense, you can use the Cyber Cages to spam through smokes and stay protected. Combine the trip wires with the cages to maximize the strength of your setups. Learn from professional Cypher players like Ayaz “nAts” Akhmetshin and Pujan “FNS” Mehta.

Killjoy is on even grounds with Cypher. However, the reason why Cypher is higher on this list is due to team play. But Killjoy shines when it comes to lethal damage. Her turret does good damage over time and can be fatal if not taken out early.
The Alarm bot can weaken enemies if it sticks to enemies, and the Nanoswarms are great post-plant utilities. On defense, the Alarmbot can combine well with the turret and the Nanos to hold down a site without any problems. The best part about Killjoy’s utility is that you can recall it from anywhere.
Plus, you can activate the Nanoswarms from anywhere on the map, giving her a current global presence that only Cypher and Killjoy have. That is why these two are the best Sentinels in the game. There are counters to Killjoy and Cypher, but if one hopes to achieve the most utility out of Sentinels, these are the two to pick.
B Tier

Sage is known as the healer for the team. However, she has a lot more utility than that. The only problem with her currently is that she does not have a global presence like her Sentinel peers. Sure, she can place a wall and rotate it, but that wall is easy to destroy, and it stops an opponent momentarily.
Unlike the Cypher trip or the Killjoy turret, it does not give active information to the team until an enemy starts to destroy it. Sage is now used for one singular purpose; healing and resurrection, and even that received a nerf. Her self-heals only restores 30 HP now as compared to the previous versions.
The Slow Orbs can be countered if playing with a teleporting agent like Yoru or Omen. In addition, Sage’s Ressurection needs extreme protection. Otherwise, enemies can quickly kill the suspended enemy and take the free kill.
Sage needs a massive rework if she wants to stay in the meta. The only thing keeping her in is the Healing and Resurrection abilities.
C Tier

Last but not least is the Chamber. Chamber, before any nerfs, was god-like. He had two Trademarks, and both had a global presence. In addition, his Ultimate Tour De Force was faster. He also had two teleport anchors with an extended range. Now, he is a shadow of his former self. At the time of writing, he has received a slight buff.
However, we do not know if that alone will bring him back into the meta. Chamber is not high on this list for two reasons. Number one, he does not have a global presence anymore, and his utility can easily be countered. Number two is because he functions more like a Duelist than a Sentinel. A player can peak an angle, gather information, and TP without suffering the consequences.
Chamber is a good agent if one is to play a little aggressively and not sit on site. The Agent is more suited to having a semi-aggressive playstyle due to the Headhunter, one of the game’s most powerful abilities. Chamber is one of the best Agents to pick economically, as he can drop guns on Eco rounds.
That was our list. Cypher and Killjoy will remain the best Sentinels in the game unless Riot decides to buff the other ones or release a new Sentinel. That will be sooner than most expect since they have announced that they will release a new Sentinel this year. Although, we do not know when.
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