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Valorant Spike Guide and Tips : What is the Best way to plant the Spike in Valorant?

The SportsRush Desk

Valorant Spike Guide and Tips : What is the Best way to plant the Spike in Valorant?

Confused about planting and defusing the spike in Valorant? This simple guide video tells you everything you need to know about the spike.

Playing any new game comes up with its very own learning curve. Depending on the game it could be very steep at times. Valorant is no different than any other game.

In fact it is even more challenging at times with all the agents, weaponry and abilities to figure out. A major part of Valorant is planting the spike or the bomb.

A lot of time is spent by players figuring out the best time and position on the map to do it. This guide will help you and hopefully make your Valorant Gaming experience better. Reddit user u/intellec_t  has come up with this brilliant guide and you can see the video below.

Valorant Spike – Everything you need to know –

Usually high ranking players and of course pros are aware of these tips. However a beginner may not be so well versed. To begin with planting a spike takes 4 seconds. On the other hand diffusing it takes 7 seconds. After planting the spike, it doesn’t go off for 45 seconds. For the first 25 seconds you will hear one tick. Then for the nest 10 seconds 2 ticks.

Thirdly 4 ticks for next 5 seconds and finally 8 ticks for last final seconds. The most important thing is to wait till 12 ticks. After which there is not enough time for spike to be defused. Stopping and holding off the opponents is key during this time.

See this very crucial time through by using your weapons and abilities and Voila you have mastered the basics of Spike planting in valorant.

This is a small guide for spike defuse timings from r/VALORANT

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The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

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