Hulk Hogan once claimed that Baseball was his first love and he was even scouted by Cincinnati Reds and New York Yankees!
Hulk Hogan is arguably the most important name in the world of professional wrestling. Alongside Vince McMahon, the WWE Hall of Famer brought mainstream attention to wrestling. The duo then turned the company into a global monster, with fans all around the world.
Also read: Real Reason Why Hulk Hogan Wore Red and Yellow During His First Stint With WWE
However, despite all his achievements, Hogan is known to be a little extravagant with liberties when talking about himself. Some of his claims seem to be out there such as the time he revealed that he was so good at baseball, he had the attention of New York Yankees and Cincinnati Reds.
Hulk Hogan once claimed that he was scouted by New York Yankees and Cincinnati Reds!
During an interview with “Mercury News” back in 2016, the Immortal Hulk Hogan discussed his baseball aspirations. He claimed that he was on the verge of MLB success despite being overweight.
“I was a fat kid growing up, but I hit more home runs than anyone in West Tampa Little League,” Hogan said.
He also claimed that he was a pitcher who could combine a 90-mph fastball with a “great overhand drop ball.”
However, an injury to his throwing arm apparently ended his baseball aspirations.
Hogan hurt his hand playing third base. With the bases loaded, he moved infield. The batter hit the ball off the handle and Hogan chased the ball and threw it underhanded to first.
“I was playing third base. The bases were loaded. I moved in on the infield. The guy stepped outside the box and hit one off the handle.
“As I threw underhanded to first base I broke my arm. My arm was never the same,” He said.
Hulk Hogan in the WWE
Fans have come to take Hogan’s claims with a grain of salt because of how outlandish they seem to be. It has not been confirmed so far if his MLB claims were a lie or not. Although, one has to assume if there was any truth to it, both MLB teams would have claimed the association with the wrestling legend.
However, regardless of the truth, both Hogan and wrestling fans will agree that moving to WWE turned out fine for the WWE Hall of Famer.
Hogan became the face of the company and headlined the first WrestleMania, a show that propelled the promotion into worldwide success. He went on to headline several more WrestleMania’s and became the biggest star in the industry for several years to come.
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