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Act III Valorant: Riot announces changes to Matchmaking and addition of Leaderboards

Ganesh Kamat

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Valorant during the closed beta few months ago, a question was hovering whether what kind of Matchmaking System Riot will incorporate.

Professional players stated their feedback regarding the matter suggested the addition of Leaderboards for players to compete.

Once a player reaches Radiant he/she had nothing to achieve.

Most of the players would create alt accounts to reach Radiant again.

Audience during their thoughts on Valorant MM system also many suggested the addition of League of Legends style Leaderboard.

After months of speculation, Riot announced their plans for the future of Matchmaking and the updates on it.

Act III of Valorant will be out on October 27 and will bring several changes to the ranking system.

Now only 3 tier possible ranks can matchmake together previously which was 6.

Players having rank Immortal or above will only be evaluated based on their W/L ratio for their rating loss or gain.

Developers also have added preferred ping location where a player can select his preferred ping location for better performance.

We can expect addition of new server with this and we can expect queue times to be quite high.

The future holds good for Valorant with the incorporation of Regional Leaderboards in Episode 2 i.e. in 2021 .

With this Immortal and higher queues will be made only solo or duo.

The announce of First Strike also helps the game to reach new standards and just like LoL dedicated leaderboards will help the players grind more in the game.

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