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Call of Duty Warzone Mobile apk: Soon you will able to play COD Warzone on mobile

The SportsRush Desk

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Call of Duty Warzone Mobile apk: Warzone is a massive success with over 75 million players. It won’t be far when we could soon see a mobile version.

Other battle royales like Fortnite and PUBG are highly successful with their own mobile versions. Earlier today news broke out that Activision had a job listing for an executive producer to work on “WZM”, the suspected abbreviation of Warzone Mobile.

What does the Job listing say –

The listing states that this person has to “harvest, adapt and deliver the essential features from Warzone console and PC into their best mobile instantiation. “Improve upon the Warzone formula by proposing and producing mobile-specific additions and changes to features to ensure a best-in-class mobile experience that players will love.”

cod mobile

cod mobileWhat does this mean for Call of Duty: Warzone –

The listing means fans can finally expect to see a mobile version of the immensely popular Warzone. It could be a different game altogether, as Call of Duty: Mobile is already present. It is still unclear who is behind the development of Warzone for mobile.

As of now the job listing appears to be either deleted or closed. According to Activision Call of Duty: Mobile is doing quite well. Fans will be waiting to see how Warzone Mobile develops alongside Call of Duty: Mobile.

Call of Duty: Warzone released on March 10 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC as a free to play game part of the Modern Warfare world.

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The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

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