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Cyberpunk 2077’s latest mod allows you to make the crowds look more realistic!

Karan Bahuguna

Cyberpunk 2077's latest mod allows you to make the crowds look more realistic!

Cyberpunk 2077 has been infamous for the erratic and sometimes idiotic behavior of the crowds. However, you can change all that with this recently released mod that allows you to tune how crowds would actually act!

The changes are quite significant!

Click here to check out the mod by Nexus Mods for yourself!

The primary changes made by the creators of the mod are:

The changes are with regards to how two different NPCs pass each other. The arc that the NPC cuts to get out of the way of another NPC is greatly decreased. This causes the crowds to greatly spread out.  Also, it alters the generation of crowds to make the game look more realistic.

The rest of the changes made are:

  • Increased forward obstacle detection distance
  • Increased the distance NPC’s avoid the player
  • Decreased safe space around each NPC to allow them to get closer to each other
  • Reduced turning rate when adjusting path to avoid others
  • Reduced likelihood of stopping when running into another NPC
  • Increased the distance at which NPCs can wait for lights
  • The check distance for J-Walking was increased
  • Increased distance to avoid player
  • The path planning distance was increased
  • Reduce the likelihood of NPC’s disappearing when out of view
  • Increased the time before despawn
  • Increased the maximum number of allowed NPC’s
  • Removed view-only spawning restriction
  • Speed based spawn blocking for crowds is also removed
  • Removed teleportation of NPCs to new locations

The latest version aka Version 1.1 has improved the mod even further

Another recent update upgraded the balance between the NPCs either bumping or avoiding one another. This results in a more life-like situation when walking in crowds. However, one thing that the mod cannot control is the disappearance of NPCs once you scare them. This is not controlled by the Initialization or INI file settings.

The mod is available in two separate versions:

  • Full: This contains path calculation, lane checking (for j-walking), traffic light recognition and obstacle avoidance have more checks at a further distance.
  • Lite: All the original checks and distances between NPCs to improve more performance. Unfortunately, it will also cause more bumping and aimless wandering.

Download either version depending on how much storage you want to allocate to the game and have fun!

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