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Dota 2 Guide: List of 5 heroes on whom you should buy Aghanim’s Shard every game

Gautham Balaji

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Dota 2 Guide: List of 5 heroes on whom you should buy Aghanim’s Shard every game. Aghanim’s Shard is an extremely useful item. Here is a list of 5 heroes on whom you can buy the Shard in each and every game.

Aghanim’s Shard in Dota 2 was introduced along with its latest hero, Hoodwink. Ironically, every hero in the game got a new skill or an upgrade to an existing skill except Hoodwink. The new hero does not have a Shard upgrade yet.

In this article, we shall have a look at a list of 5 heroes on whom you can purchase the Shard every game, and create a lot of impact and chaos with it. Some of the heroes are supports, but with a shard, they can create a lot of disruptive plays. Some heroes are flexible, as they thrive both as Support or Core.

5 heroes that should buy Aghanim’s Shard every game

Nature Prophet

Nature Prophet has an incredibly powerful Shard. It upgrades two abilities very subtly at once. After buying the Shard, the first two trees destroyed with Sprout will summon Greater Treants. This is devastatingly good to split push, as Greater treants have a high base damage and attack speed. Also, heroes can no longer quelling blade their way out of sprout.

Shadow Shaman

Shard for Shaman works wonders. After purchasing the Shard, a group of 4 serpent wards will form every time you use Shackles. This works on both creeps and heroes, allowing you to push in lanes with ease with Ether Shock and Shackles. You can go for the Shackles Cooldown talent after this to make the most use of it.


Shard reduces Fissure Cooldown, and also allows EarthShaker to walk along the fissure and cast Enchant Totem or Echoslam. The effects of the spells and Aftershock will echo through the fissure and hit everyone who is stunned by Fissure. This gives you a safe way to cast your spells.

Queen of Pain

This is unrealistically good, and very underused. It upgrades Blink, allowing QoP to deal 150 damage in a 300 AoE and silence or 1.5 seconds. The insane part of this is that it applies to both the initial place and the landing place. It can be very useful to jump across stretched-out fights, or just flash farm the jungle.

Witch Doctor

Purchasing the Shard allows Witch Doc to transform into a Death Ward. This does not replace the existing one, but merely adds another skill you can use. This is useful to gank enemy heroes jungling. You can combo them and use Voodoo Switcheroo to finish them off without worrying about getting stunned.

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