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Dota 2 Hero Guide Patch 7.28c: Top 5 supports you can still pick & win your pubs

Gautham Balaji

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Dota 2 Hero Guide Patch 7.28c: Top 5 supports you can still pick & win your pubs. In Patch 7.28c a few of the meta heroes were nerfed to make the game more balanced. Here are 5 supports that are still excellent to play in your pubs.

Some considered Patch 7.28c a surprise drop, and some others considered it much needed. However, now that it has dropped right before DPC Season 1 ended, players have to adapt to the nerfed heroes. Patch 7.28c doesn’t really affect pubs, except in the carry role and maybe a couple of supports.

Patch 7.28c focuses mainly on the overpowered carries and mid-laners like Outerworld Destroyer & Puck.  Supports remain largely unaffected. So, this article will give you a list of 5 god-tier supports that you can still pick in your pub games & even take over the game.

Top 5 supports in patch 7.28c for pubs

These 5 supports are not in any particular order. You can pick any of these heroes depending on the draft, unless they are badly countered. It is unlikely that all 5 supports will be countered, so be patient and last pick the support you want.

  1. Ogre Magi: Ogre is one of the best strength supports, especially due to high base armor and HP regen. He can tank spells & even hits from carries. He can also buff carries with bloodlust, sit behind them and dish out damage with ignite.
  2. Ancient Apparition: AA hasn’t gotten a nerf in the patch, and is one of the more versatile supports to fit in a draft. He counters high regen heroes like Morphling, Troll warlord & even Terrorblade. He can become very active after his level 6, abusing his low-cooldown spells.
  3. Shadow Demon: SD remains untouched in this patch, and he is one of the better supports at low MMR games. He can deal immense damage, is capable of counter-initiating and also saving your teammates. Pick SD with a reliable & good carry, and the game will be a stomp
  4. Earthshaker: Despite the nerf to his aftershock shard duration, Earthshaker is still a good support pick in the 4 or 5 position. He can block enemies from far away, and after you get a blink dagger, you can turn fights with a good Echoslam.
  5. Nyx Assasin: Nyx has been nerfed, but that doesn’t seem to affect his winrate. Even though his ultimate has a longer cooldown and doesn’t apply a break any longer, he is still very good as a position 4 due to the ease with which he can scout and give information to his teammates.


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