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Dota 2 Hero Guides: Top 5 heroes to pick in the off-lane role in March 2021

Gautham Balaji

Dota 2 Hero Guides: Top 5 heroes to pick in the off-lane role in March 2021

Dota 2 Hero Guides: Top 5 heroes to pick in the off-lane role in March 2021. Perfecting the off-lane role is very important when it comes to enabling your team to win. Here are 3 heroes you can pick as off-laners that are currently the most powerful.

The off-lane hero has a very important role. It is to grief the enemy’s carry hero, and you also have to take both towers in the lane. Apart from this, you also have to help your mid-lane player to push their tower. You should also turn up to the safe-lane in case your team’s carry needs help defending his tower.

So, given the various responsibilities of an off-lane player, anybody aspiring to play this have to master the 5 best heroes in the lane.

Dota 2 Heroes: Top 5 off-lane heroes in to play in March


Alchemist is a very powerful hero in the current patch. Not only can you amplify your farm, but you can also purchase Aghanim’s Scepter and give them to your teammates. Mostly off-lane Alchemist is picked to ensure that the enemy carry can never out-farm you in the entire game. As the game gets longer, Alchemist only becomes stronger and stronger. Eventually, you will be able to match the farm of your carry.


Tidehunter is the most annoying offlane hero to play against in this patch. His Gush is hard to lane against, and if you are not playing a Ranged Carry, you will be susceptible to getting Anchor Smashed every time you step up to hit a creep. As Tide, you want to sit next to the creep wave and push the tower and then start ganking.

Death Prophet

There are many reasons why DP is a better off-laner than mid-laner is because he has immense harass. You should Max out Crypt Swarm and Soul Siphon to 3 levels each. Exorcism is one of the best abilities in the game to push towers and take team-fights as well. DP has everything in her tool kit to be one of the best off-lane heroes.

Honourable Mentions for Best off-lane heroes

  1. Dark Seer: Dark Seer is the best hero to push lanes with safety. Just ion shell creeps and watch the enemy carry struggle.
  2. Enigma: Keep denying range creeps and hamper the enemy carry’s farm. Once you get Necronomicon, the carry will not be able to lane.

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