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Charles Leclerc Refuses Taking Credit for Ferrari’s Recent Upward Trajectory

Mahim Suhalka

Charles Leclerc Refuses Taking Credit for Ferrari’s Recent Upward Trajectory

Apart from the blip in Canada, Ferrari has been sensational in the current campaign. The Italian outfit came prepared for a fight in the 2024 season and so far the SF-24 has delivered on that expectation. Both Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz have won a race each. The duo have been regularly challenging the front-running Red Bull man, Max Verstappen. However, the Monegasque believes he alone cannot be credited for the current uptick in performance.

As quoted by RacingNews365, he said, “I think as a driver from one season to the other, you always improve. However, when you look at the step we’ve done, this is a lot more down to the team and to the car, as drivers you cannot do such a step.”

“Or that probably means that we’re driving really bad last year but no, it’s mostly down to the car and to the hard work we’ve done as a team.”, Leclerc added.

Ferrari fixed their biggest issue ahead of the 2024 season which was excessive tire degradation. As their challenger stopped eating the rubber at a rapid pace, they have been able to keep up with Red Bull’s RB20. This is exactly why they’re second on both the championship fronts. They’ve been up to the pace but the double DNF in Canada has put them on the back foot.

However, the Maranello outfit is confident and will be back fighting again in the upcoming triple header. Leclerc admitted the team has been quick in addressing and fixing their issues for the past eight months. The current approach is to look within and improve themselves before they focus on the competition, which has made them extremely competitive.

Ferrari has improvements in the pipeline for the intense three-horse race in 2024

For the first time in the current regulations, three teams are fighting so closely at the front. Ferrari is also among the three and they’ve been second fastest on most weekends. Canada should’ve ideally been a Ferrari-dominant weekend. However, engine troubles hampered their weekend. Now, heading to Spain in the first of the triple header, they will introduce some updates.

As per, it’s 99% confirmed both Sainz and Leclerc will have an upgraded package in Barcelona. This will be Ferrari’s second major aero package of the year after Imola.

The Italian team aims to make a floor that will perform better at low speeds. Additionally, there will be changes in the rear bodywork, tray area, and ramps towards the diffuser, as well as improved small deflector elements.

This could be Ferrari’s combined response to the disappointing result in Canada and to tackle the challenge from McLaren while they try to catch Red Bull. The upcoming three races in Spain, Austria, and Britain, if the Scuderia can win at all, will change the outlook of the table and the season.

Post Edited By:Aishwary Gaonkar

About the author

Mahim Suhalka

Mahim Suhalka

Mahim Suhalka is an F1 journalist at the SportsRush. With an ever-growing love for the sport since 2019, he became a part of the industry two years ago and since then has written over 2200 pieces. A Lewis Hamilton fan through and through and with Hamilton's loyalties shifting to Ferrari, so will his. Apart from F1, he is a Football fanatic having played the sport and represented his state in various tournaments as he still stays in touch with the sport. Always a sports enthusiast Mahim is now translating his passion into words.

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