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Ex-McLaren Mechanic Explains Why Williams Is Also an Interesting Option for Adrian Newey

Mahim Suhalka

Ex-McLaren Mechanic Explains Why Williams Is Also an Interesting Option for Adrian Newey

Ever since the confirmation of Adrian Newey’s departure from Red Bull, he has been linked with Ferrari. The genius engineer has been pipped to be the last piece of the puzzle that will end Ferrari’s silverware drought. However, former McLaren mechanic Marc Priestley has given his two cents to counter this general belief and put Williams in the mix, based on his understanding and Alex Albon’s recent contract extension.

Despite his current contract keeping him on the team till the end of 2025, Albon extended his contract. So, in his latest YouTube video, Priestley argued, It makes so much sense for Adrian Newey to go there and help bring the glory days back to Ferrari.”

“But what about if it is Williams? What about if the same conversations that James Vowles has had with Alex Albon, he’s had with Adrian Newey? What if Adrian Newey was part of the conversation that James Vowles has had with Alex Albon? That’s part of the reason that Alex has seen fit to commit his long-term future to this team.”, he added.

He also highlighted how it would be a full-circle moment for the British engineer. Newey could bring glory back to the same team he won his first set of silverware with, Williams. Additionally, he won’t have to uproot his family from the UK and change counties for the Grove-based outfit.

The move to Maranello was a big point of contention in the past as well. Perhaps it will play a role in his latest career decision as well. That’s what the ex-McLaren engineer believes based on his understanding and no official word or evidence.

Priestley also believes the 2026 regulations reset will also play a part. So, despite being a backmarker team, if Williams’ project is ambitious enough, they can change their standing from 2026 onwards.

Someone like Newey at the helm will greatly bolster their chances. Now, it remains to be seen if team principal James Vowles’ pitch is strong enough. However, on the other side of the world, it’s already too late.

Adrian Newey has signed with Ferrari according to rumors

On the other side of the spectrum, according to various Italian sources, Adrian Newey has already signed with Ferrari. The news suggests that the British engineer will join the ranks along with Lewis Hamilton in 2025. The two F1 megastars will start pooling their efforts to bring glory back to Scuderia Ferrari at the earliest.

This news came soon after his confirmation that he does not plan to retire yet. As quoted by during the race weekend in Imola, Newey said, “I feel a little tired. But at some point, I’ll probably go again. Seriously considering going somewhere else and doing another four or five years.”

The Red Bull genius also confessed he did not foresee the waves his desire to leave Red Bull would make. Newey never imagined the talk of his future to be a headline on every news outlet. Even if he is unaware of his popularity, there are no doubts about his talents. This is exactly why he’s one of the most sought-after men in F1.

Post Edited By:Aishwary Gaonkar

About the author

Mahim Suhalka

Mahim Suhalka

Mahim Suhalka is an F1 journalist at the SportsRush. With an ever-growing love for the sport since 2019, he became a part of the industry two years ago and since then has written over 2200 pieces. A Lewis Hamilton fan through and through and with Hamilton's loyalties shifting to Ferrari, so will his. Apart from F1, he is a Football fanatic having played the sport and represented his state in various tournaments as he still stays in touch with the sport. Always a sports enthusiast Mahim is now translating his passion into words.

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