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“George Russell Can’t Stop” Even When He’s With His Girlfriend, Away From F1

Naman Gopal Srivastava

"George Russell Can't Stop" Even When He's With His Girlfriend, Away From F1

The ever-increasing hectic schedule of F1 often takes a toll on the drivers’ personal lives. A race week typically sees the drivers spend the first three days of the week in the team HQ, before jetting off to the race venue. As such, days off and holidays become all the more important for them. While many would want to spend the days quietly and indoors, the case isn’t the same with George Russell and his partner.

Hosting an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on Instagram, Carmen Mundt detailed how Russell continues to lead an active and ‘outdoorsy’ lifestyle even when he’s not racing.

Mundt is mostly present in the Mercedes garage to support her partner at some races, allowing them to spend some time together, even amid a hectic schedule. However, enjoying each other’s company is hardly possible for them. Thus, spending more time with their friends or alone makes up for it.

She stated, “GR can’t stop. We do activities all day long and we follow so many sports. Lunch or dinner with friends and our favorite thing… Wake up with no alarm and go out for a coffee. Honestly, you’ll find us at the coffee shop on a day off!”

With the business graduate spending a lot of her time traveling alongside Russell, many fans wonder how she gets her own work done. While it was once a struggle for her, Mundt further clarified how she gets work done while on the move.

Mundt reveals how she works while traveling with Russell

Working in the finance field already demands a lot from one. Adding never-ending traveling with your boyfriend each week makes it even tougher. However, Mundt makes ends meet and makes it look effortless. Answering another fan’s question, the 27-year-old revealed how she does it all.

Revealing that she used to struggle to be productive while on the move, Mundt claimed that she does her best to not procrastinate. Even if her work isn’t perfect, she makes sure to work on the move and not leave things for later. Thus, her phone acts as her biggest companion.

However, there are also cons to using the phone, as she now struggles to disconnect from it. Mundt is always on her phone, constantly checking her inbox all day long. Even when she is in bed about to go to sleep in the night, Mundt goes through her inbox, earning her an earful from Russell.

Post Edited By:Aishwary Gaonkar

About the author

Naman Gopal Srivastava

Naman Gopal Srivastava


Naman is an F1 writer at The SportsRush. Initially a football fanatic who worships Puyol and Leo Messi, Naman soon fell in love with the world of F1 upon reading about Jim Clarke. While the current era drivers do fascinate him, Naman still chooses to idolize Clarke and Ayrton Senna. When he is not busy watching the highlights of some of the greatest races of his idols, Naman can be found scribbling little snippets in his diary of poems or out in the town, exploring new places to eat.

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