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Humiliation at the Hands of Carlos Sainz Once Led to Lando Norris Ruing Ian Poulter’s Golf Lessons

Anirban Aly Mandal

Humiliation at the Hands of Carlos Sainz Once Led to Lando Norris Ruing Ian Poulter’s Golf Lessons

Lando Norris, for the longest of times, has been working hard to get better at his hobby of golf. Despite all his efforts, his former McLaren teammate Carlos Sainz once obliterated him. After losing to Sainz, Norris took a vow that he will never trust a golf pro again.

In Norris’ biography, authored by Ben Hunt, it was revealed that before a round of golf with Sainz back in 2022, the Briton had received some impromptu golf lessons from pros such as Ian Poulter. Norris admitted that his interactions with Poulter and the others had indeed improved his game.

But that was only short-lived. That being said when he went up against players like Sainz, who’ve been playing the sport for over 10 years now, he realized he needed to ditch advice from the pros and only trust his coach. The McLaren driver was quoted by Hunt as saying,

“They tried to give me a few pointers. So that day, I probably played the best I’ve ever done. I was happiest. And then the next day, I tried to play again, and it was one of the worst days of my life! So, I decided I am not going to listen to anyone apart from my coach.”

The #4 driver is a pretty solid golfer, though. Hunt revealed that his handicap is a brilliant 15. A handicap of 15 is about the average for golfers, and it is impressive in the case of Norris because he has been playing the sport for only about five years now.

Norris’ biography, which was published last year, also explained that his handicap was about to be lowered as he had put in some really good sessions on the course. This means that he has progressed really well so far. The next step for the Briton would be to target a handicap of 10 or lower – something that is considered exceptional in golfing circles.

Post Edited By:Vidit Dhawan

About the author

Anirban Aly Mandal

Anirban Aly Mandal


Anirban Aly Mandal is an F1 writer at The SportsRush, with over 1000 articles under his belt, Anirban's love for F1 started when he discovered a copy of F1 2014 on his computer. With over half a decade's worth of time spent religiously following the sport, he’s dived deep into the world of motorsports. However, Anirban's expertise goes beyond just writing - he has also written several academic papers focused on the domain of motorsports and the law. His passion for the sport is so immense that he aspires to work as a legal advisor in the most prestigious racing series in the world someday. When it comes to Formula 1, Anirban finds great pleasure in re-watching classic races and idolizes the likes of Ayrton Senna, Nigel Mansell, and Sebastian Vettel. His top picks include Brazil '91, Silverstone '92, and Germany '19. Outside of the sport, Anirban is an avid sim racer, often found racing on titles like Assetto Corsa, F1 22, and Automobilista. Apart from his interests in gaming, Anirban has a keen interest in philosophy, literature and music.

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