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Internet’s New Sweetheart George Russell Wins Over F1 Fangirls With Top-Tier Romantic Move

Naman Gopal Srivastava

Internet’s New Sweetheart George Russell Wins Over F1 Fangirls With Top-Tier Romantic Move

Away from the F1 tracks, Mercedes driver George Russell enjoys a sweet and responsible relationship with girlfriend Carmen Montero Mundt. The duo has been together since 2020 and stands as one of the most significant couples on the paddock. While Russell is a professional racing driver, Mundt has a background in finance and works with an investment fund based out of London.

While the two often share relationship updates over social media, the latest update has their fans overcome with emotion. In an initiative by Mundt’s office, she and her colleagues rode their bikes nearly 300 miles from London to Paris. As a surprise, Russell waited at the finish line for his girlfriend with pastries for her and her colleagues.

George Russell has fangirls ogling over his latest romantic move

Mundt took to social media to express her gratitude for the romantic gesture by Russell. Not only was it a surprise for Mundt but also for her colleagues, who had no idea there would be pastries waiting for them at the finish line after a challenging ride. However, the gesture has sent Russell’s fangirls into overdrive as they took to social media have their say over it.


Some users posted the update on their X accounts, while looking for their own version of the driver.

Meanwhile, another one claimed there was nothing that would make her hate the British driver.

How it all started for Russell and Mundt

Both Mundt and Russell have always been supportive of each of their careers despite there being such stark differences in their lifestyle. People often wonder how the couple met each other and how the relationship began. Carmen Mundt once addressed the same when a fan asked her the question on an Instagram story.

While she chose to not reveal much detail about the meeting, Mundt admitted to meeting Russell through a mutual friend in London. Born in Spain, Mundt moved to London to pursue a business management and finance degree from the University of Westminster when she was 18. Given that the couple started dating in 2020, we can presume that they met when Mundt was still studying at the University, perhaps when she was an intern.

About the author

Naman Gopal Srivastava

Naman Gopal Srivastava


Naman is an F1 writer at The SportsRush. Initially a football fanatic who worships Puyol and Leo Messi, Naman soon fell in love with the world of F1 upon reading about Jim Clarke. While the current era drivers do fascinate him, Naman still chooses to idolize Clarke and Ayrton Senna. When he is not busy watching the highlights of some of the greatest races of his idols, Naman can be found scribbling little snippets in his diary of poems or out in the town, exploring new places to eat.

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