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“So You Do Have a Heart”: When Stoic Oscar Piastri Was Teased for Showing Emotions by His Own Mum

Naman Gopal Srivastava

“So You Do Have a Heart”: When Stoic Oscar Piastri Was Teased for Showing Emotions by His Own Mum

Since his debut last year, Oscar Piastri has been one of the least expressive drivers on the grid. While a smile or a laugh often graces his face, there is no telling what’s going on inside him. Even his mother Nicole Piastri had a hard time getting any emotions out of him, but one incident assured her that her son had a heart.

Speaking on The Red Flags Podcast, Oscar Piastri’s mum recalled an incident from a few years ago when the two of them had gone out cycling. Nicole [Piastri] braked quickly to avoid a kid who came in front of her, and she went over the handlebar. She slid across and hit her head.

Once she stopped, Oscar went up to her and, in a stoic manner, asked her if she was okay. Once she replied yes, they continued their activity and came back home.

At the time, Oscar was wearing a heart rate monitor, and when he checked the numbers, it showed consistent numbers, but when his mum fell from the bike, his heart rate went “through the roof.” Seeing the same, Nicole was happy to know her son had a heart.

So you DO have a heart,” she said.

While most people appreciate Oscar’s calm demeanor, some even question his abilities because of it. Questions sometimes arise about his ability to challenge for the championship. However, Oscar feels people should not misjudge him and take him lightly.

Oscar Piastri can be ruthless if and when the need arises

Speaking to Sky Sports a few days ago, Piastri faced a question about his personality. The interviewer asked the McLaren driver if he was ruthless enough to win the world championship. In response, the Aussie driver claimed that he certainly thought so.

Speaking further, the 23-year-old said that just because he is usually calm, it does not mean that he cannot be ruthless. There have been several tough situations in his career, where getting his elbows out was a necessity, and Piastri never backed away from it.

Talking about last year, the driver from the land down under recalled his journey to McLaren, and the incidents that transpired with Alpine. Thus, Piastri believes he can certainly be ruthless, but it doesn’t have to come at the expense of being a nice person.

Post Edited By:Vidit Dhawan

About the author

Naman Gopal Srivastava

Naman Gopal Srivastava


Naman is an F1 writer at The SportsRush. Initially a football fanatic who worships Puyol and Leo Messi, Naman soon fell in love with the world of F1 upon reading about Jim Clarke. While the current era drivers do fascinate him, Naman still chooses to idolize Clarke and Ayrton Senna. When he is not busy watching the highlights of some of the greatest races of his idols, Naman can be found scribbling little snippets in his diary of poems or out in the town, exploring new places to eat.

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