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Yuki Tsunoda’s Aspiration to Be Like Chris Evans Propels Him to Hit the Gym Despite Aversion

Somin Bhattacharjee

Yuki Tsunoda’s Aspiration to Be Like Chris Evans Propels Him to Hit the Gym Despite Aversion

Yuki Tsunoda, a driver who often speaks his mind and doesn’t sugarcoat things, doesn’t like going to the gym. However, he has to because he is an F1 driver, and maintaining peak physical fitness is a part of his job description. Hence, in order to force himself to work out, Tsunoda looks up to Captain American actor Chris Evans for inspiration.

Evans’ Captain America character is one of the most famous superhero figures in movies, and broke box office records worldwide. To play the role, the American actor worked hard to develop a physique many deem to be their dream.

It is also one of the reasons behind Tsunoda developing more interest in working out.

“I actually recently started liking training, to be honest. I can see a little bit of difference in my body also. I love Captain America in Marvel, so I am aiming for Captain America’s body.”

Following Tsunoda’s revelation, the hosts (Benjamin and Matt Baker) spoke about how the Japanese driver cannot aim to be too much like Evans, because the latter is very muscular, and would weigh down an F1 car. Tsunoda initially agreed, but reminded them why he isn’t in danger.

“I’m quite small, so even if I gain a lot of muscle, I still don’t think I will be overweight.”  

The V-CARB driver added that the one thing he takes care of the most is his weight. F1 drivers need to keep it in check to avoid slowing their cars down, and Tsunoda has learned that he has to put utmost focus on it.

Yuki Tsunoda has a different approach to keeping himself fit

In the same podcast, Yuki Tsunoda spoke about how his fitness regimen and mentality changed over the years. He didn’t prioritize it as much when he made his debut in 2021 and looking back, he realizes what a tough season it was.

The 24-year-old admits that he wasn’t at his physical best, but over the years he has changed his approach. Nowadays, he focuses more on keeping himself at peak fitness, even though he isn’t particularly fond of the gym.

It may or may not be a direct consequence, but Tsunoda’s on-track performances have also gradually improved, and in 2024, he is arguably having the best season of his career so far.

Post Edited By:Vidit Dhawan

About the author

Somin Bhattacharjee

Somin Bhattacharjee


Somin Bhattacharjee is an F1 editor at The SportsRush and has written more than 2000 articles. He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and considers sports to be a part of his life. Somin has been a fan of Scuderia Ferrari since 2010 and his favorite driver is none another than the legendary Fernando Alonso. Other than longing for a Ferrari Championship win once again, Somin spends his free time playing football and basketball.

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