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The Best Skills To Get for Each Phantom Thief in Persona 5 Tactica

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Persona 5 Tactica: Phantom Thieves of Hearts

Persona 5 Tactica is out now and players are trying out various compositions that present the most damage and defense. The game’s difficulty-changing options allow for lots of experimentation in team compositions. Moreover, this time around, we have skill trees for characters just like every AAA game. Hence, this carefully curated article will tell you which skills are the best ones to get for every character in Persona 5 Tactica.


  • The Best Skills For Each Party Member in Persona 5 Tactica
  • Skill Trees and GP: Everything You Should Know
  • Three Types of Skills in the Skill Tree in Persona 5 Tactica
  • The Skills You Should Get for Each Member in Persona 5 Tactica
    • Joker
    • Morgana
    • Erina
    • Ann
    • Ryuji
    • Haru
    • Makoto
    • Yusuke
    • Futaba

The Best Skills For Each Party Member in Persona 5 Tactica

Skills are an important part of this particular Persona game as they provide the Phantom Thieves with active or passive buffs. We will break both of those down in a while. However, for now, you need to know that there are 9 different playable characters and they have their separate skill trees filled with different buffs that make them unique in the party.

Therefore, choose members according to their capability and skill so you do not regret bringing the wrong Phantom Thief into a fight. That being said, let us take a look at the basis of the skill tree in this game and GP, points that are essential to buying skills.

Skill Trees and GP: Everything You Should Know

In other Persona games, your party members level up separately depending on how much you use them. In this game, the Phantom Thieves level up collectively and instead of unlocking abilities by gaining levels, players earn new abilities through the skill tree.

Now, to unlock those skills, you will need GP. GP can be earned by playing the main story, completing side missions, and speaking with the team at the hideout. Remember, there is no collective GP count. Each Phantom Thief has their own GP count, which makes it easier for the players to unlock skills.

In addition, you can always rebuild your skill trees. Suppose halfway through the game you realize that a certain skill tree build is not right for Joker, you can get your GP refunded and rebuild from scratch. You can change your skill tree build anytime you can. Do this as much as you can because you might need more offense in a battle and sometimes the opposite.

Three Types of Skills in the Skill Tree in Persona 5 Tactica

There are three different kinds of skills you can purchase from the Skill Trees of the Phantom Thieves. The first are Offensive and Elemental-based skills, the second are passive skills and the third are HP, SP or movement boosts. Let us take a look at all of them in detail.

Elemental/Offensive Skills

When you open the skills menu, the leftmost area of the Skill Tree has Offensive and Elemental-based skills. This skill tree option provides you with upgrades for your Persona attacks; increased area of effect and damage are the options you get for this skill tree. The very last skill on this tree costs 35 GP, you will need to build up to that skill by buying all the other skills to purchase it.

Passive Skills

The names for each defensive skill tree for the Thieves are different but they serve the same purpose. In this particular case, it is about the passive buffs. You can find that this is the middle column of the skill tree. These skills include follow-up attack buffs, party boosts, and a charge bonus provided for not moving the entire turn.

The final passive skill costs 30 GP.

Support Skills

This is the rightmost column of a Skill Tree in the game and it includes all HP and SP buffs. These include recovering HP after an All Out Attack or gaining SP when ending a turn and more buffs related to these two stats.

The bottom five skills of the tree are the same for every Phantom Thief, granted the unlocking order for each of them differs. In addition, we recommend prioritizing Futaba’s Skill Tree for these passive buffs.

Futaba’s Skill Tree requires more GP than the others but provides valuable passive boosts. They give the entire party the status effect when purchased. These include healing during the middle of a battle, nullifying attacks, and replenishing the SP. We recommend upgrading Futaba’s skills from time to time.

The Skills You Should Get for Each Member in Persona 5 Tactica

Now that we know what Skill Trees are, how you can upgrade them, and what kind of skills you can purchase, let us look at three of the best skills you can purchase for each possible party member so that you know which ones to prioritize. These skills will always be present in any build, no matter offensive or defensive.


(Image via Atlus)

The leader of the Phantom Thieves is also a Wildcard capable of using multiple Personas. That being said, there are three different skills you should prioritize for him. Those are Meiha, Despair Boost, and the HP/SP Boost. Let us break them down.


Area of Effect skills will be much more effective against mobs of enemies. This particular skill removes multiple enemies from cover and costs only 10 GP to purchase. Pair this up with other AoE attacks to easily defeat mobs of enemies.

Despair Boost

This particular skill increases the overall damage done by Eiha’s skills, which is what Joker’s elemental is. This can help out a ton when using the AoE attacks we mentioned.

HP/SP Boost

It is a given since HP and SP are the lifeblood of Persona and Joker is one of the most powerful characters to use.


(Image via Atlus)

Morgana has always been a reliable character due to a combination of damage and healing. In addition, he is also one of the characters who is already with Joker from the start. Thus, using his healing abilities can prove quite useful in the beginning. Let us see which skills you should prioritize for him.


One of the reasons why Morgana is important in the early going is because of this skill. Dia heals the user or any other party member, allowing for better survivability and numbers. In fact, this is the first skill we hope you prioritize when buying skills for this character.


Morgana’s element is the wind and with it comes some powerful sweeping abilities that can push targets away from cover to deal more damage. We recommend that you purchase Magaru so that you can not only damage multiple enemies at the same time but also sweep them off the cover.


(Image via Atlus)

The newest character introduced in the Persona series, Erina is not a Persona user but can do lots of damage through ranged and melee attacks making her a reliable pick. We recommend building the basics up for Erina with the use of passive skills.

Emergency Support

A lighter version of Dia, Emergency Support heals a little HP of the target it is meant for. Although it is not as effective as Dia, it is a useful tool to have just in case.

HP/SP Boost

Just like Joker, you should consider investing in an HP or an SP boost because having them maxed is a good idea by the time the end game rolls around.


(Image via Atlus)

Ann is a Fire user and her Persona is one of the most powerful ones. Naturally, she also has healing skills in Persona 5. However, in this particular edition, we are going to focus only on two skills. We are going to double down on her Fire affinity.


Ann’s melee power is bad but her ranged attacks are really strong. To take advantage of that, we are going to double down on Agilao, one of the highest damaging Fire skills in Persona games. With this skill, you can do medium Fire damage in addition to inflicting the Burn ailment that cuts down enemy HP every turn.

Burn Boost

Since we are doubling down on Fire skills, it makes sense to acquire this passive boost since it will increase the damage for all her Fire-based skills. This combined with any other Fire skills can easily bring down enemy HP.


(Image via Atlus)

Ryuji is hard hitting and there are no two ways about his playstyle. Throw him face-first into trouble and he will get the job done. We are going to go for both Attack and passive buffs for his build. Let us see what we have.

Attack Master

This is an automatic skill that casts at the start of every battle and lasts for three turns. This particular skill casts Tarukaja, which increases the attack power of the party, during the start of battle which is very useful if you are fighting lots of enemies.

Over Powered

Since attack buffs stack in this game, you can use this skill combined with Attack Master to wreak havoc in the opposition. This skill essentially raises Ryuji’s attack power when Charge is active. You can one-shot enemies quite easily with this skill.


(Image via Atlus)

Haru’s melee is the highest in the game but her HP needs work. In that way, Ryuji is much more balanced than her. However, the faster you finish battles, the more HP you will have. That is why, we recommend giving Haru a try.

Beat Synergy+

This skill increases the melee attack power for the whole party. Ryuji and Haru can result in superior melee attack power so we recommend getting at least one of them in tough battles.


A combination of Dia and Amrita, this skill cures all status ailments and also heals a little HP. This makes Haru one of the best Phantom Thieves to use. Not only she can cure status ailments and heal, but also do devastating melee damage. A true icon.


(Image via Atlus)

The Queen of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Makoto can be lethal at all times. Not only does she have good HP but she also does massive numbers in terms of DPS. That is why, we recommend having her at the party most of the time.

Beat Synergy+

With her boosting the attack power of the team, you can just focus on doing damage. Purchasing Beat Synergy+ is the best passive you can get for Makoto because it can help you dispose of enemies in fewer turns.


Aside from DPS, you can also leave healing up to Makoto. With Media, you can not only heal her, but all of the allies at the same time, making it a must-have skill. Prioritize getting this first so you can breeze past fights without casualties.


(Image via Atlus)

Yusuke’s speed and Ice powers are the backbone of the Phantom Thieves. He is not a selfish party member as there are plenty of skills that you can get to give the party some sort of advantage at the start of the battle.

Speed Master

Like Ryuji’s automatic Rakukaja cast at the start of the battle, Yusuke also has one. With Speed Master, you can cast Sukukaja at the start of battle increases the accuracy as well as the evasion rate of the team which can be really useful to avoid and deal damage.

Trigger Synergy+

Just like Beat Energy is for melee attacks, Trigger Synergy is for ranged attacks. Yusuke is the only one who has this passive skill so we recommend that you pick it up. It increases the damage you do from ranged attacks.


(Image via Atlus)

Last but not least, Futaba is the navigator of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Although she does not physically participate in battle, her passive skills and help are the most important when it comes to sticky situations.

Active Support

Active Support has a chance of restoring all of the SP of the allies so just get this one since it is the first one. Futaba’s skill set can be expensive even though she just has seven skills. That is why, if you do not want to get all of her skills, just get this one.

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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