Deadlock has a very niche usage in the game which is why she is untouched in professional play. This Deadlock Guide in Valorant will look at everything you need to know about her ranging from abilities to strategies.
Deadlock is the newest Sentinel in Valorant. When she was announced, fans were really excited to see how she would function and change the game’s meta. However, her release was underwhelming as her abilities weren’t up to the mark and there were other agents better suited for the same role. Even in VCT Champions, the most recent Valorant professional World Championship, Deadlock wasn’t picked in a single map despite her availability.
That being said, Deadlock has her niche uses in the game and is fun to play with. That is what we will look at in this guide. We will explore Deadlock’s usage and see how we can use her situational abilities to hold down angles. Without further ado, let us get into it.
- Deadlock Valorant Guide: Tips, Tricks, Abilities, and Strategies
- Abilities
- Attacker Side Strategies
- Defender Side Strategies
- Tips and Tricks
Deadlock Valorant Guide: Tips, Tricks, Abilities, and Strategies
As we mentioned earlier, Deadlock has a very niche role to play in the game. Her main priority in terms of her ability kit is to hold down angles and prevent enemies from taking space. That is what her abilities are designed for. We will take a look at them a little later. However, she relies heavily on her team to execute her traps.
Another good thing is that her utility combines well with other abilities. With proper communication and timing, you can combine her GravNet with a Raze Grenade or a Killjoy Swarm Grenade and a Sonic Sensor combo. This can not only chip away at the enemy, but they won’t expect it in the chaos. To properly help your team with Deadlock, you will need to analyze her abilities first. Let us take a look at them.

Q: Sonic Sensor
Sonic Sensor is the alarm bot-like ability for Deadlock. When you place it, the machine camouflages itself and activates only when noise is made. If enemies walk, it won’t detect them. When it does, the enemies get concussed for 3 seconds.
The ability costs 200 Credits each and can be deployed twice in a round.
E: Barrier Mesh
Deadlock’s signature ability; the Barrier Mesh is quite useful when you have to stop enemies in their tracks or divert them to a certain path. When used, the ability expands into an X Shaped Barrier which stops enemies from advancing further and it can only be destroyed by shooting multiple points on it.
Incidentally, this barrier does not block enemy bullets and other thrown projectiles. Moreover, the points have lots of health which makes it quite annoying. Nevertheless, the ability is free and can be used once per round.
C: GravNet
GravNet is a unique ability that slows down site hits and when combined with throwing projectiles, it can do lethal damage. When enemies get caught in the GravNet, enemies are forced to crouch and move slowly around it. Enemies can either put their guns away to remove the effect or walk out of the Area of Effect to remove the ability’s effect.
The ability can be used once per round and costs 200 Credits.
X: Annihilation
Deadlock’s Ultimate is Annihilation. Deadlock throws a Nanowire Accelerator which binds a single enemy in a cocoon. The enemies can destroy the cocoon to free their teammates so you will have to be careful when using it. It requires 7 Ultimate Orbs to use and is the best in 1v1 scenarios.
Attacker Side Strategies

Moving onto the attacker-side strategies, Deadlock can be a really useful asset in these scenarios. First, her Sonic Sensors can be used to cover flanks. Of course, it won’t detect enemies if they walk but it is a useful ability nonetheless. In addition, her GravNet is useful when you are going to enter a site with her. You can throw it at high angles to keep enemies from peeking.
However, Deadlock’s utility shines through in a post-plant situation. Her abilities like the Barrier Mesh and the GraveNet can be useful in delaying enemies for both retakes and defusing bombs. Deadlock’s use is derived from delaying enemies and using these abilities can help accomplish that. If you are in a 1v1 scenario, the Annihilation is the best tool you can have without a doubt. It can easily bind the enemy in place for 7 seconds which is crucial time.
You can also use the GravNet when approaching sites to clear certain corners. Deadlock’s abilities combine really well with thrown projectiles and explosives. Use the GravNet and Barrier Mesh in tandem with Raze and Kayo Grenades to do massive damage to the opposition. Aside from delays, if you have adequate team communication, you can easily hit sites aggressively with her Annihilation ability, taking out frontal defenders and pushing through the ranks.
In addition to delaying the spike defuse, the Annihilation Ability can be used to gain the numbers advantage. It works best when you are one Agent down and desperately want to claw your way back. It will scatter the enemies huddled together and create discord among their ranks which you can use to bounce back.
Defender Side Strategies

Deadlock is as effective in Valorant for the Defensive side as she is for the Attacking if you know how to use her properly. Deadlock’s purpose for both attack and defense is the same. It is to delay the opponents and cause them to make a mistake or diffuse their ranks. She is an expert at breaking down enemy attacks and splitting the opposition. That is what we will utilize on the defender side.
First, start off by placing her Sonic Sensors where you are NOT playing. Suppose you are playing on B, then place the Sonic Sensors on A so your teammates can play off of your device’s contact. The optimal placement for those devices would be the entry points of sites where enemies will blitz through during a site hit. This will trap them. In case you are playing on that site, use the Barrier Mesh to slow down the site hit and wait for your teammates to come to your aid.
Combine multiple utilities together and ensure that enemies fall into your trap. If you are overwhelmed, fall back and play retake with your team. On a retake, you can start off with the Annihilation ability in order to trap one enemy. While their team is focused on taking out the cocoon, you can take advantage and push onto the site. Use the Barrier Mesh if you haven’t already to block off entry points while your controller smokes it off.
This can make it really difficult for the opponents to shoot you or advance forward to stop the defuse because the Mesh will be blocking their pathway. Communication in these retake scenarios is crucial to getting the win with Deadlock.
Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips and tricks you should keep in mind when you are playing with Deadlock.
Ability and Ultimate Tips
- Prepare either your GraveNet or Barrier Mesh if you hear footsteps near you. Chances are enemies will stop and shoot at the projectiles thrown which you can use to swoop in and get a kill. It is also a good delay tool at your disposal.
- Your Sonic Sensors are best utilized in places where you will expect guaranteed noise. For example place them on default plant spots, on drops, on site entry points, and many more to get the most value out of them.
- The Annihilation ability is best for retakes so ensure that you save it for last. It can be the difference-maker between winning and losing a round; especially if you are down one player and want to equalize the numbers.
- Learn lineups for the Annihilation ability if you can. Learning lineups and how it functions as an ability is important. If you know where the ability bounces off, you can trap enemies effectively instead of just firing it at them and hoping for the best.
Usage Tips
- Deadlock is best used for Ascent, Bind, and Lotus. These maps provide the proper layout for her and have enough cubbies and areas where her utility will shine through. Therefore, if you encounter any of these maps, select Deadlock.
- Use Deadlock’s utility together and create setups by using Sonic Sensors, and other abilities. For example, if you have another Sentinel, you can combine the Sensors with their trap wire or swarm grenade to create a lethal combination.
- Put the Sonic Sensor on the spike for the post plant. It can stall enemies and stop defuses.
That is all you need to know about Deadlock in Valorant. If you liked this guide, perhaps you’d like some of our others, Click here to check them out and stay tuned to The SportsRush.