Rick Grimes is one of the most iconic characters in The Walking Dead. With the Walking Dead and Call of Duty collaboration, Rick Grimes was introduced in the game. And fans lost their minds. Due to the Call of Duty’s popularity, the developers can easily collaborate with other franchises to attract larger player bases. These fans of multiple crossover franchises get a chance to experience their favorite characters in a video game. In this way, The Walking Dead has been one of the most iconic TV shows and recently, Call of Duty has collaborated with the franchise to feature Rick Grimes, one of the most recognizable characters in the show.
A post blew up on Reddit recently talking about how “embarrassing” the voice lines of Rick Grimes is and how it does not even sound like the original actor, Andrew Lincoln portraying the character. We do not know who is voicing Rick Grimes but the fans were in turmoil when they heard the voice lines. For fans of The Walking Dead, it can be a big issue buying a character’s skin and getting a product like this which they did not hope for.
Players on Reddit speculate it’s the voice of Hanlin from The Walking Dead: Destinies but nothing is for certain. While some are also saying that it is Andrew Lincoln portraying him. However, we do know that fans are majorly disappointed by how Call of Duty has handled a character of this caliber.
Some of the lines were montone and didn’t have enough life in them which caused fans to react negatively. Fans talked about how the voice sounded “cringey” and the effort wasn’t worth it.
What do you get if you purchase the Rick Grimes skin in Call of Duty?

The Rick Grimes skin isn’t an individual purchase in the game. The skin is unlocked by completing the Season 2 Battle Pass. Talking about the skin, Activision says that “Rick will not hesitate to act against any threat to his group, be it Human or Walker.” In addition to the Rick Grimes skin, there are tons of other benefits to purchasing the Battle Pass. The community voice regarding the skin might change your decision though.
However, there are tons of other things that are worth obtaining in the Battle Pass aside from the Rick Grimes skin. There are skins for Price as well as Ghost which Call of Duty fans for a long time will like. Aside from that, there are weapon blueprints for various guns which are ripe for the taking. One thing is for sure, Activision is facing a ton of backlash for a haphazard portrayal of a popular character in culture.