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LOL Worlds Tiebreaker Rules: LoL World Championship 2020 Tie Breaker rule explained

The SportsRush Desk

LOL Worlds Tiebreaker Rules: Tie Breaker rule explained | LoL World Championship 2020

LOL Worlds Tiebreaker Rules: The League of Legends Worlds 2020 has begun in full swing. Day 3 of the Play-in stage concluded today.

With plenty of action-packed matches and upsets at every turn, Worlds 2020 is turning out to be quite a hit. Every move of the teams is watched closely by the fans. Results can sometimes go down to the wire.

In such unique cases the question remains does come to mind what happens in case of a tie. Let’s take a look and try to understand the rules of Worlds 2020 for the Play-in stage.

A two-way tie –

If teams are tied and compete for 3rd and 4th place, there will not be any additional matches. In some other scenario occurs let’s see what will happen. If there are two teams have an equal amount of points, an additional tiebreaker match will be played. Teams won the head-to-head match will have the right to choose the side.

A three-way tie –

Now here things get interesting and kind ff complicated. If there are three teams have an equal amount of points, two circumstances will be considered. Firstly, if teams that have 1-1 results against each other, two teams that won with longer time length will compete first.

The loser will be the bottom team in this tie, winner will compete with the remained team. The Team that won with shorter time length will choose the side.

Secondly, if one team has 2-0 results against the other two teams, one has 1-1, and the other one has 0-2, the tie will be broken by the results. An interesting thing to note is all the Tie Breaker matches will be a best of one.

League of Legends World Championship is a very popular tournament in the Esports world. With millions of watchers from around the world, it seems that Riot Games have done their homework.

The rules are in place as we can see. The scenarios evolving in the time of tie will indeed be intriguing to watch. Day 3 concluded today and there is plenty of action yet to come.

Readers can check out the full schedule of Worlds 2020 here.

Also Read: Secret Lab Launces LOL worlds 2020 Chair

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The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

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