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7ft 1″ Shaquille O’Neal Admits to Have Been a “Little Bit Arrogant” Even When He Was a Skinny High School Junior

Achyuth Jayagopal

Shaquille O7’1 Shaquille O’Neal Admits to Have Been a “Little Bit Arrogant” Even When He Was a Skinny High School Junior'Neal was the premier big man during his time in the league and was known for his "arrogance" which remained from his teenage.

Every great player has come with that certain bit of arrogance. While it may come as a red flag with some, more often than not, it is only indicative of the confidence of the stars in their abilities.

Shaquille O’Neal was one of those renowned for their self-confidence and resultant trash-talk. The Big Diesel was the most dominant player in the game at his peak – a fact that wasn’t lost on the man himself.

Also read: “Larry Bird Said I Would Be the GOAT of Centers!”: Shaquille O’Neal Once Opened Up on How Celtics Legend Made Him Great

Shaq had established himself as an unmissable talent with his exploits in high school and LSU. The big man’s dominance began in his teenage and extended well into his 30s.

However, O’Neal wasn’t always the physical phenomenon he was. Before he filled into his tall frame, Shaq too was just a lanky teenager with a penchant for the game. That didn’t stop O’Neal from adopting his trash-talking, loud style of conduct though.

Was Shaquille O’Neal arrogant even before he had attained the success his abilities demanded?

In Shaq’s own words, his arrogance was ever-present even before the success had gotten to him.

“If you’re a great athlete, and you come from a school, you bring that baggage. You bring the footage with you. But I didn’t have anything. I was just another skinny kid who talked a lot of trash, who was a little bit arrogant. Nobody really believed in me” describes the Big Diesel of his mindset while playing basketball in high school.

Even before the laurels and the attention, Shaq believed in himself. This probably arose from the fact that the big man felt that no one believed in him, as per his own words. Sometimes that internal push is what one needs to be propelled to greatness.

Shaq goes on to talk about how he was humbled and ended up in tears too, despite his “little bit of arrogance”. O’Neal infamously missed free throws in the crucial last game of the season as his team slumped to 35-1 and lost out on the State Championship. A humbling that led to a promise of a championship, which Shaq kept, the following year.

So in Shaq’s case, it wasn’t arrogance for the sake of an attitude. It stemmed from a lack of belief or respect from others, and it wasn’t unwarranted. Superman was the man of the league and set the standard for big men for years to come. All while maintaining the attitude he shaped during his formative years.

How successful was Shaq, during his NBA career?

After sporting an attitude from a young age, with the world taking notice, the 7’1 center had to step up. And there’s a reason he earned the title of “Superman”.

Shaq broke out and took the league’s attention at Orlando. As the face of the Orlando Magic, O’Neal led the franchise to its first NBA Finals, losing to the much more established force of Hakeem Olajuwon.

After not getting the offers he expected, O’Neal jumped ship to LA where he won three championships under the tutelage of Phil Jackson. Along with Kobe, Shaq formed the league’s foremost pairing and racked up the last three-peat the league has seen.

Beef followed and he was traded to Miami. A new city and a new running mate didn’t slow O’Neal down. One more ring followed. A journeyman career awaited Shaq after Miami though. However, the numbers were still pretty impressive.

The big man averaged a double-double of 23.7 points and 10.9 rebounds to go with 2.3 blocks per game for his career. Phenomenal stats indeed. The most dominant force in the league was a loud, trash-talking, “arrogant” big man who was entertainment 101. Just how it was meant to be, with someone nicknamed “The Big Diesel”.

Also read: Shaquille O’Neal, Who Is Worth $400 Million, Reveals the “Secret” of His Shaq-Isms

About the author

Achyuth Jayagopal

Achyuth Jayagopal

Achyuth Jayagopal is a creative writer with The Sportsrush. After previous freelance dabbles in the industry, Achyuth has authored over 300 pieces for TSR. Having followed the game of basketball for a considerable period, he pledges his allegiance to Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks. Beyond speaking his mind on all things basketball, Achyuth is a Sports and Gaming Lawyer who is an ardent Chelsea fan and takes a shine to the culinary world and travelling too.

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