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Anthony Edwards Names One Player on Team USA Roster That Impressed Him the Most in Paris

Abhishek Dhariwal

Anthony Edwards Names One Player on Team USA Roster Than Impressed Him the Most in Paris

Team USA featured the best players from the NBA during their gold medal campaign in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards, who was a part of the squad, even got to share the court with his favorite player Kevin Durant during the competition. However, when he was asked to name the one player on the team that impressed him the most, Edwards named someone no one expected.

The 23-year-old was a guest panelist with Durant on the Fanatics Fest with former NBA player, Jalen Rose. Rose asked ANT the question about the best player on the gold medal-winning USA squad. 

In response, Ant said,

“Steph had great games, he (KD) had great games, Lebron had great games, but Book was guarding the best player, turning down shots… Book go for seventy, you know what I mean! I’m not gonna lie, I was impressed watching him.”


Edwards made sure to give props to the three main stars of the team in his response. Stephen Curry put up impressive performances in the last two games for Team USA that pretty much saved the team from embarrassment. Durant was the biggest contributor for the squad coming off the bench in group stage games. Whereas, LBJ was the most consistent of them all, carrying the team on his back in almost every game.

But according to Edwards, Suns guard Devin Booker managed to impress him the most. D-Book didn’t tally any big games with massive numbers, but it’s the little things that he did that impressed ANT the most.

Booker played a team game, helping on defense, making the extra pass to the open teammate, and doing things that were in the best interest of the squad. Unfortunately, it did not manage to get as much attention as the other players did.

However, Edwards recognized the things he did and made sure to give the Suns guard his flowers.

And it wasn’t just the Minnesota star that gave credit to Book for his unsung efforts. Even Team USA head coach Steve Kerr went on to highlight Booker’s efforts in a post-game press conference after winning the gold.

“Devin Booker is an incredible basketball player. Nobody asked about him. He was our unsung MVP. I just wanted to say that.”

This was Booker’s second appearance on the Team USA roster and his second Olympic gold medal. Kerr recognized the things he did in the Tokyo Olympics and that was one of the reasons why he was one of Kerr’s first choices for the team.

Post Edited By:Satagni Sikder

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Abhishek Dhariwal

Abhishek Dhariwal


A fan of Basketball since the late 2000s, Abhishek Dhaiwal has been covering the game for over five years. Having done his masters in Journalism and Mass Communication, Abhishek is an NBA sports journalist at The SportsRush. A fan of the San Antonio Spurs since the Tim Duncan era, Abhishek has an extensive knowledge of the sport and has covered more than 1500 articles. Having a firsthand experience of the sport, Abhishek has represented his city and state at a District and National level. And it is the same level of expertise he aims to bring while covering extensive topics both on and off the court of your favorite basketball stars.

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