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LeBron James Discloses the Best Strategy to Defend Against Luka Doncic in Pick-and-Roll

Shubham Singh

LeBron James Discloses the Best Strategy to Defend Against Luka Doncic in Pick-and-Roll

Luka Doncic’s adaptable scoring and passing chops make him a nightmare to guard in a Pick-and-Roll situation. He opens up numerous open lanes for the screen setters while the defenders have to contest his shot at all costs. As the Boston Celtics take on the Dallas Mavericks for Game 1 of the Final on June 6, how will the Celts counter the smooth PNR operator? LeBron James has the answer and on his Mind the Game pod, he relayed a defensive strategy to stall the 2024 scoring champion’s charge.

LBJ argued that instead of switching during an on-ball screen situation, the defenders should blitz him.

It implies that both the primary on-ball defender and the one checking the screen setter should quickly double-team Doncic and force him to make a tough pass instead of giving him an easy passing lane or a wide-open look.

The Lakers legend observed that in the Mavs’ offensive scheme, usually, their Centers Dereck Lively II or Daniel Gafford are the ones who set the on-ball screen. So, instead of switching and generating mismatches, it is better to engulf Doncic before he makes a move. James expressed,

I would say blitz. The reason I say blitz is because I look at the other two, it’s not switching because they don’t run many small small pick and rolls, they have a lot of one-five pick and rolls.”

Later, Redick crunched some numbers to prove James’ point. In terms of Points per Chance, against drop coverage, Doncic has 1.10 PPC, meanwhile against switching he does the best at 1.12 PPC, while in the playoffs, he has just 0.67 PPC against the blitz.

Redick also remarked that the Mavs’ leading scorer is the most blitzed player in the playoffs. The Celts wouldn’t have to tackle Doncic’s incredible PNR repertoire, but his defense will also cause a lot of problems.

Luka Doncic isn’t just an offensive player

During the 2024 playoffs, the 2024 MVP finalist has brought incredible intensity to the defensive end. In the first round against the Clippers, ESPN’s Tim MacMahon posted a graphic that indicated that during Game 2, the phenomenal athlete held his match-ups to just 2/17 shooting. He has been able to produce such astounding numbers throughout the 2023-24 regular season and carried his form to the postseason.

Then, in Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals, the evolved superstar was responsible for two key defensive plays that helped seal the deal. In the post-game conference, when a reporter asked him about not receiving a single vote for an All-Defensive Team, the Slovenian cheekily replied that he might get them during the 2024-25 season.

Thus, the Celtics would have a lot of trouble against the hoops maestro on both ends of the floor. This is a much-needed boost to the Mavs because Celtics have the most well-rounded two-way squad in the league. However, the perennial superstar knows how to navigate against the top squads. 

Post Edited By:Hitesh Nigam

About the author

Shubham Singh

Shubham Singh


Shubham Singh is an NBA Journalist at SportsRush. He found his passion in Writing when he couldn't fulfil his dream of playing professional basketball. Shubham is obsessed with box scores and also loves to keep track of advanced stats and is, particularly, fond of writing CoreSport analytical pieces. In the league, his all time favorites were 80s Bad Boys, Pistons, while Dennis Rodman and his enthralling rebounding made him love the game more. It also made him realize that the game is much more than fancy scoring and playmaking. Shubham is also a huge fan of cricket and loves to watch all forms of women sports.

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