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Luka Doncic announces he’s watching these two NBA stars in world cup qualifiers with the most devilish smile

Tonoy Sengupta

Luka Doncic announces he's watching these two NBA stars in world cup qualifiers with the most devilish smile

Luka Doncic isn’t afraid of announcing his intentions to spy on these two European NBA stars

Luka Doncic has, what the kids call, ‘that dog in him’.

It may seem like forever ago now, but can we just bring back how crazy this moment right here was?

Now, for those that may not remember this time very well, this was a moment captured right before Game 6, with the Mavericks down 3-2 against the Suns. And then, after pushing the series to seven games, here is what Dallas decided to do.

And of course, Luka Doncic had this little moment come out of it as well.

Sometimes, this man really is a psychopath.

Usually, this psychopath side of him takes a vacation during the offseason, letting the man relax as much as he wants to. But, after the 2023 NBA playoffs, it appears that this side of him was never quite put to bed.

What do we mean?

Allow us to explain.

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Luka Doncic admits he’s watching Greece and Serbia very closely during the FIBA World Cup qualifiers

In case you weren’t aware of it already, the FIBA world cup qualifiers have been going on for quite some time now. And like many other stars, Luka Doncic is participating to get his home country, Slovenia, into the 2023 tournament.

After the wonderboy finished one such match, he was asked a very interesting question, to which he had the most perfect answer.

Giannis Antetokounmpo is playing for Greece, and Nikola Jokic, for Serbia.

As we mentioned before, clearly, that psychotic side of Luka Doncic forgot to go to sleep.

And we for one couldn’t love it more if we tried.

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About the author

Tonoy Sengupta

Tonoy Sengupta


Tonoy Sengupta is a Senior Editor at The SportsRush. Coming from an athletically inclined family, he has been surrounded by sports ever since he was 4 years old. But, while initially pouring all his time into Football (soccer), at 14, Tonoy discovered basketball through the countless highlights of Stephen Curry humiliating players from Curry Land. And just like that, a fiery passion for the game was ignited within Tonoy. And soon after, he decided to become a student of journalism, graduating in 2022, and choosing sports as his area of interest. Today, you can find him spending 99% of his time browsing through every type of content on every team in the NBA, before uncorking everything he has found to the world. In the 1% he isn't doing this, you can find him playing Basketball, Football, Volleyball, or practically any other sport he has had the opportunity to learn.

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