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“Michael Jordan brought teammate picked over him in high school to his Hall of Fame induction!”: Shannon Sharpe puts down the GOAT for pettiness

Samir Mehdi

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Shannon Sharpe points out to Skip Bayless that Michael Jordan brought the person who beat him for the last spot on the Varsity team, to his HOF ceremony.

The LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan debate has become a staple for Shannon Sharpe and Skip Bayless’s show Undisputed. The former is always taking LeBron’s side while the latter swears by Jordan and his greatness.

In another heated instalment to this age old debate, Skip Bayless talks about how LeBron James shouldn’t have felt ‘hurt’ by Kyrie Irving’s comments towards him. As expected, Skip brought the 5x MVP into this.

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Skip said, “Can you imagine MJ taking anything seriously or personally?” To this, Shannon Sharpe replied, “Yes! He brought the guy who beat him out for varsity squad, 25 years prior, to his Hall of Fame ceremony.”

The story behind Michael Jordan not making his high school basketball team

Technically, Jordan did make the high school team, but he didn’t make varsity. When he applied to be on the varsity team at Emsley A. Laney High School, Jordan was merely a sophomore and was only 5’10.

This prompted coach Clifton “Pop” Herring to choose 6’7″ Leroy Smith over Jordan to fill out the roster. An enraged Jordan decided to go all out on his JV team, dropping 40 pieces on the regular.

This prompted Jordan eventually getting bumped to the varsity. Growing to a respectable 6’3 also helped with this.

Also Read: ‘It’s Michael Jordan, I have to go’: When Lakers’ Jared Dudley had to ditch his girlfriend to meet with the GOAT

So when Michael Jordan was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, he invited the man who beat him out for that final roster spot (Leroy Smith) to watch him give his speech.

Was this move by Jordan out of spite?

Shannon used this as an argument against Skip as to why LeBron should be able to feel hurt by Kyrie’s comments.

This is a valid point made by Sharpe as Skip was trying to portray Jordan as someone who didn’t feel a certain type of way when he didn’t receive the validation he deserved.

About the author

Samir Mehdi

Samir Mehdi


Samir Mehdi is a senior strategist for the NBA division at The Sportsrush. Ever since he was 13 years old, he’s been obsessed with the game of basketball. From watching Kobe Bryant’s highlights on YouTube to now, analyzing and breaking down every single game on League Pass, Samir’s passion for the game is unwavering. He's a complete basketball junkie who not only breaks down current games but also keenly watches ones from the 60s’ and 70s’ while also reading comprehensive books on the history of the league. Samir’s life revolves around basketball and he hopes that shows in his work. Aside from work, he loves to spend time in the gym and with his friends at social gatherings.

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