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When Charles Barkley Explained the “Gravitational Pull” Krispy Kreme Donuts Have on Him

Aakash Nair

Charles Barkley

Long after his ‘Round Mound of Rebound’ days and long before his Mounjaro-fueled weight loss, Charles Barkley was on Stephen Colbert’s talk show discussing his love for Krispy Kreme donuts.

In 2018, TNT released a list characterizing their favorite NBA legends and sportscasters as emojis. Hilariously, Barkley was given the symbol of a half-eaten donut.

When Colbert brought up the same, Barkley told Colbert that a recent hip surgery had caused him to tack on more pounds. But the 11-time All-Star had no qualms about confessing his love for the sugary pastry.

You know, I just got my second hip replacement so I haven’t been able to work out. So, the donuts have been flowing freely,” Chuck said on ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Everybody knows I’m a Krispy Kreme guy. Like, when you’re driving up the street and that little hot sign comes on. I can’t stop it. That little hot sign, it’s like a gravitational pull,” Barkley Revealed.

By his own admission, Planet Barkley orbits around the star of Krispy Kreme. The $920 million donut company and coffeehouse chain must be delighted to enjoy free promotions from the Hall of Famer but Chuck knows how bad the sweets can be for him.

Charles Barkley ate only donuts for a whole day

In recent years, the 1993 NBA MVP has re-focused on his health and lost over 60 pounds. He used Mounjaro, a diabetes medicine, to support his goals but Barkley also implemented a healthier and more active lifestyle.

That pursuit required him to compromise on his relationship with donuts. He knew the calories they would add to his diet and found a unique way around the issue. “Did I tell you [about] the day that I had the 12 donuts? And I broke it up into three meals?” the Chuckster asked Ernie Johnson in 2022.

It was one Sunday morning and I said, ‘I just want some Krispy Kreme.’ So, I ordered a dozen and I says, ‘Imma break it up into three meals.’ That’s all I ate that whole day.”

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Instead of eating his regular meals and the 12 donuts, Barkley tried to maintain some illusion of healthiness by eating only donuts. And when Johnson tried to chide him for it, Chuck explained why it was a matter of pride for him.

I had some restraint. I ate some about 9’o clock in the morning. I ate some at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. And I ate at about 7 o’clock at night. It was a great meal day. I am proud of that. I coulda ate ’em all in one sitting,” Sir Charles added.

Johnson still got a good quip in, saying, “I’ve seen you do that.” It’s a running gag on TNT, where Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal are often on the receiving of such jokes.

But jokes apart, it’s a welcoming sight to see Chuck focus on his health again. His attempts to lose weight show how even legendary athletes struggle to stay fit but all you can do is try.

About the author

Aakash Nair

Aakash Nair


NBA journalist Aakash Nair has followed the game for nearly a decade. He believes that basketball today is just as alive during the off-season with podcasts, interviews, articles and YouTube videos constantly providing fans with new insights. Aakash closely follows the game of narratives, of who will have a breakout year and who might be on the slump. As a fan, he is interested in all the context and behind-the-scenes moves that go into making a championship contender. As a writer, he intends to bring that same context to the forefront.

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