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Kansas City Chiefs “Doesn’t Blow People Out Anymore,” Colin Cowherd Claims

Yagya Bhargava

Kansas City Chiefs “Doesn’t Blow People Out Anymore,” Colin Cowherd Claims

With the 2024 NFL season a mere 76 days away, discussions about the league’s most overrated and underrated teams are heating up. In a recent segment of his show, Colin Cowherd delved into which NFL teams he believes are undervalued at the start of the new season and which ones might gradually rebuild their slightly tarnished reputations.

According to Cowherd, the Denver Broncos stand out as the most undervalued team by analysts this offseason. He also highlighted the Los Angeles Chargers as a team that, while not immediately explosive, could turn the tables in games that initially seem out of their reach.

Drawing an intriguing parallel between the Chargers and the reigning champions, the Kansas City Chiefs, he suggested that, like the Chiefs last season, the Chargers might not intimidate opponents with blowout victories but could secure wins through narrow margins.

John Middlekauf chimed in, proposing that the Chargers could consistently engage in tight, low-scoring affairs, potentially playing “20-17 type games” every week. Cowherd stated,

“The Kansas City Chiefs doesn’t blow people out anymore, Rashee Rice is a bit of a mess as a rookie. The Chargers won’t blow people out anymore.”

While Cowherd’s assessment points to the Chiefs’ offensive struggles in the 2023-24 season, particularly their receiving corps, it’s worth noting that the team has made significant offseason moves. The additions of Hollywood Brown, Xavier Worthy, and NFL International Player Pathway Program sensation Louis Rees-Zammit have potentially bolstered their offensive firepower.

As the Chiefs set their sights on an unprecedented third consecutive Super Bowl ring, they’re likely to face intense scrutiny in the upcoming season. While Cowherd’s claim might hold water for the past season, the revamped Chiefs roster suggests they could very well return to their dominant, high-scoring ways, potentially contradicting the notion that they can no longer “blow out” their opponents. But whether they can achieve a three-peat remains another question.

Challenges for The Kansas City Chiefs’ Three-Peat Bid

Tom Brady, a few weeks back, shared his insights on the significant challenges facing the Chiefs during a conversation on Colin Cowherd’s podcast. Drawing from his vast experience, Brady emphasized the razor-thin margin for error the Chiefs would face in defending their championship.

Brady didn’t mince words when outlining the hurdles ahead. He stated,

“To win three in a row, there’s a reason why no one has ever done it. It’s hard to win one in a row. So to put three of those together in back to back to back seasons with drafting last, a very hard schedule, all the turnover and free agency, guys continuing to be motivated. It’s a big challenge.”

The seven-time Super Bowl champion highlighted several key obstacles, pointing to the draft disadvantage that comes with success, though he noted the Chiefs’ surprising move in the 2024 NFL draft, snagging Texas star Xavier Worthy. Brady also stressed the grueling schedule and the impact of free agency as formidable hurdles.

Brady touched on the mental aspect too, emphasizing how challenging it is to maintain peak motivation season after season. His comments weren’t meant to discourage the Chiefs, but rather to underscore the reality of their situation.

In Brady’s view, overcoming these odds would require exceptional determination. He remarked, “There’s not a 50% chance of that happening; there’s way less than that.” Brady suggested that the Chiefs would need to bring relentless energy and effort every day, especially with every other team bringing their game to stop their bid.

About the author

Yagya Bhargava

Yagya Bhargava


Yagya Bhargava is a Senior Writer at The Sports Rush and has been following the NFL over an year. He transitioned from being a chef to sports journalism due to his profound love for sports. With over 200 articles with The Sports Rush, he has previously delved into various US sports, including basketball, baseball, and golf. Yagya, with a sports passion and keen writing eye, thrives in delivering sports news that's not just captivating but also accurate. He embraces the competitive spirit, having played football at the National level.

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