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“Lombardi Trophy Will Always Be Our North Star”: Green Bay By-Laws Force New President to Replace Mark Murphy

Utsav Khanna

"Lombardi Trophy Will Always be Our North Star": Green Bay By Laws Force New President To Replace Mark Murphy

The Green Bay Packers made it official that July 2025 will be the last month for their President of 18 years, Mark Murphy. It was predetermined that Murphy would be moving out of his position since the Packers by-laws clearly dictate that no one can preside over the community-owned franchise beyond the age of 70. With Murphy turning the big seven o next year, Ed Policy is all set to replace him.

A search committee was given the task of finding the successor to Murphy, and they came back with Ed’s name. He has been with the Packers’ front office for the last 12 years and is the son of longtime NFL front office man and ex-player, Carmen Policy. Future President Ed was also the COO for the franchise for the last 6 years.

“This is the absolute best job in sports. We are the stewards of the most iconic and unique organization in all of professional sports. I am excited to continue to work with so many talented teammates who have ensured the Packers’ consistent success on and off the field. We are the people’s team, and I love being a part of it. We will continue our relentless focus on building a winning culture that transcends the playing field. The Lombardi Trophy will always be our North Star and ensuring a positive impact on our community will continue to be paramount in our decision-making. We have the greatest fans in sports and will never take their commitment to the Packers for granted,” the COO said in his official statement.

Mark Murphy, like other people in Green Bay, has no desire to leave his job. The organization has positioned itself as one of the finest-run franchises in the sports world, with the most unique ownership situation internationally. They are the evergreen NFL team and have stayed relevant for around a century. Being in charge of such a respected franchise is a role anyone would have a tough time leaving.

Murphy’s contribution cannot be understated, either. He was part of the transition from Favre to Rodgers and then to Love. Even Ed expressed his reverence for the current president, stating, “I am particularly grateful to Mark for 12 years of mentorship. I am looking forward to building on his leadership and considerable success on and off the field.”

Mark Murphy Issues Statement Regarding the Hiring of Ed Policy

With his tenure almost coming to an end, Murphy also commented on Ed’s announcement. In the official statement released by the Green Bay Packers website, the current President talked about the succession plan, his confidence in Ed, and his involvement with the team going forward.

“Congratulations to Ed on this well-deserved promotion to what I believe is the most unique and meaningful position in the world of professional sports. Ed has been a tremendous asset to the organization during his 12 years here and has been greatly instrumental in our success,” Murphy said.

“His work on Titletown has been particularly impactful. He is highly respected—both in the building and within the NFL. I’ve enjoyed working with him and am confident he will be an excellent steward for the organization. In the coming year, he and I will continue to work closely together to ensure a smooth transition for our employees, players, and fans,” Murphy continued.

The Cheeseheads are elated, mostly due to the fact that the By-laws are written in a way that provides such movement of personnel and strict adherence to change. The future looks bright for an organization that understands long-term relationships but is not afraid to move on.

About the author

Utsav Khanna

Utsav Khanna


Utsav Khanna, an NFL journalist with a keen eye for the game, has been covering the sport for the past two years, trying to bring the most interesting stories from and around the game. Armed with a degree in English Journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication, he transitioned from a background in Public Relations to pursue his passion for sports reporting. Having penned over 200 insightful articles, he tries to bring in all the perspectives while writing as the NFL probably as one of the most intricate ecosystems in all of sports. A fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers, he admires the way Coach Mike Tomlin makes players buy-in into a system and entrusts them in challenging situations.

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