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Tom Brady & Brett Favre Caught One Record Only Jerry Rice Held Before

Anushree Gupta

Tom Brady & Brett Favre Caught One Record Only Jerry Rice Held Before

In a delightful twist of NFL history, Tom Brady and Brett Favre etched their names alongside legend Jerry Rice. The legendary wide receiver is listed on a short list of 3 people alongside Brady and Favre. The three are the only players in NFL history to register a legitimate pass after age 40. And this has once again caught the eyes of NFL fans, as Dov Kleiman hyped the two up in a recent post.

Jerry Rice, considered as the epitome of WR greatness, amassed 185 receptions and 2,509 yards after hitting the age of 40. Brady and Favre, titans of quarterbacking, added their own chapters to this narrative with memorable receptions that defy conventional expectations.

Brett Favre, known for improvisation, found himself on the receiving end of a play that also involved Randy Moss. Although the play ultimately faced the fate of being called back due to technicalities, it stood high in Favre’s list of achievements.

On the flip side, Tom Brady’s moment came in typical Patriots fashion. He made an impactful reception as he executed a crafty trick play that saw him snag a six-yard pass.

What truly elevates Brady and Favre’s achievement is their ability to remain relevant and effective in an unforgivingly competitive league after the age 40. Tom Brady finally retired in 2023 at 44 years old, while Brett Favre retired at 41 with a career that brimmed with achievements. However, navigating the 40s wasn’t a cakewalk for either.

Brett Favre Vs Tom Brady: Post Age 40

Both Brett Favre and Tom Brady have defied conventions about the longevity of NFL quarterbacks, particularly in the post-age-40 era.

Brett Favre’s stint with the Minnesota Vikings in 2009-2010 marked a remarkable late-career achievement. His performance in 2009, guiding the Vikings to a 12-4 record, displayed his enduring talent. Despite falling short in the NFC Championship game against the Saints, Favre’s season was a success. However, his final season in 2010 was marred by injuries, including a concussion, which ultimately led to his retirement.

On the other hand, Tom Brady’s post-40 career has been nothing short of legendary. His tenure with the New England Patriots saw him persevering and earning MVP honors. He also successfully led his team to Super Bowl appearances.

Despite facing challenges, such as injuries and personnel changes, Brady remained the star of the league. His move to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2020 started a new chapter in his life during his mid 40s. This coupled with winning his seventh Super Bowl at the age of 43 with the Buccaneers was a feat that few could have imagined.

Brady’s success has reshaped the conversation around aging quarterbacks in the NFL. His dedication to physical fitness, and mental preparation, as well as his skin in the game, has inspired a new generation of players to extend their careers.

About the author

Anushree Gupta

Anushree Gupta


Anushree Gupta is a Content Writer at The Sports Rush. She has immersed herself in the world of the NFL for over a year. An architect by profession, her love for football led to the transition to sports journalism. Formerly a freelancer, she lent her writing talent to various sports including golf, basketball, and baseball. In 2023, she became a part of the Sportsrush NFL Content team, channeling her passion into covering NFL news. She has now authored over 900 articles and built a close connection with the sport. She is a Philly fan with one exception on her list, Tom Brady! Make sure to follow!

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